g~o·~ ~ S~tJnl '~ 4Ji-611; . · Part Il"' . . ' • ·z . A·nd doth not Chrift .command his fervants alfo to Re• j a-1ce ?.and ~tgttin R~joyc.e, andalways to rtjQyce? Phi!. 3. I. & 4·4~ 1 ' fhe f. s. I 6. Doeh he not .tommand them to live in the mon . delig~tful works of !Ave ana {oy_and. thankful -mention of his . mert1es ? I cell you, 1f Chrifiians did but live as God requirech . them, and by his plenteous mercies d·oth cncourag~ them to livet·. theywoHld b~ the wonder of the world,for t~eir exceeding joy ; . they would rnutnph as men that are emcrin£ into rell:, and make , the_miferable ungodly Princes and great ones of the world obfcrve . the~r low conttmptiblc condition, and fee by the comforts of . believers, that rherearc far higher j9ys then theirs to he attained• . Did Chrifiians live as God would ha\'e them, according to their disnity and felicity, they would make the world admire the .fpiQ - rir, and hopes and comforts that do fo -. tranfport therl] ; They . would be fo ra.ken up i-n theLove and praife of their Redeemer, , that they wouldfcarce have leifure to·obferve whether they be ri<h or poor, :Or t<> regard the honours or difhonours of the · world. : Thefe little things would fcarce find .room .in their :· affcd:,on, theywou~d be taken Bp fo much· with God. · If they : were fore with fcourgirig, and .their feet were in the ll:ocks, they . would there fing fonh the praife of him that bath alfured them l of deliverance and.everlafl:ing joy, as PaPl and Si! M did, 4ct. I 6. _ 1 Theywould rejoyce .in .poveny, in difgrace, \n pain, andnothing would be able to overcome their. joy; They would pitty ·the · tyrants and fenfual Epicures that have rxo fweeter pleafures then thofe that the flefu and this deceitful world.affords. . 0 the joy · that believers w:~:rald h;1ve it1 their fecret prayers ! in their hea~ venly meditations! in their holy _conference! i,n their reading of the prornifes! .and much more in their publike.praifes and Corn.;. · munion, if they did bur follow .more fully che conduct.:of that : fpirit that.hath undertaken to be their Comforter 1 What makes · believers flig~t this world, and take all your pleafures to be .un- · worthy of their enrerr~inmenr or regard,but that they have_ha_da tafie of fweeter thing~,.and by faith are overgrow~ thefe ch!ldt!h . vanities ?If,God and .his favour be beuer then Jueh werms as w:e; and the ·heavenly .Glory be better then t.hefe tranfitory .· toyes, .you may well conceive that the .believers JOY,. that IS fed by tbefe, muft be greater, (at Jeafi in worth and we:ght) then all ,ehe picafurcs of .this fubl.unary . world~ . lf therefore you . r ' . lo.v.c. - ' .i: .