.' Part II. .Jf ·"'Siitnl-cr a Brau; :314It love a life of ple4ure_, come over to Chrifi:, and live a' holy hea..: venly life ; and believe one that bath m1de .fome rryal, ·.yea.belicve the Lord himfelf, that H(Jiinefs is the only .Pleafant life. ·ANd now as we have feen it plairily proved, that ·the life .of -· · Holinefs u the•oft Pleaf~tnt life, fo from hence we may fee two fort$ reproved, that ( in different meafures) arc -fo1:1nd to ~be trangreffors. . _ The firfi: is, Th<rfe blind ungodly wretches, chat can find no plta(ure i~a" h~ly life, when they can find pleafure in their worldly .drudgery, and in their fenfual unclcannefs, and their childiili -vanities. They have the Godof infinite Goodue/s to delight in ; but to their impious hearts he feemeth not aelightful. They hav~ ' his Power, and Wifdum, and holinefs. and truth to lo.'tle, and ~td~ mire, and truft upoo, and his excellent work.! to behold him in, and his holy laws, and gracious proflli[es to meditate on ; but they have fmall delight .in any fuch imploymenr . They have .leave as well as any others to open their heart_s to God in f(cret, and in prayer and praife to recreate their fouls, and to hold com– munion with the Saints of God, and to be exercifed both in publikeand private in his wor(hip, and to order their families in bis fear, and eo mannage th::ir afftirs according to his word : but they find no pleafure in fuch a life as this, but are_as backward to ic as if it were a toilefome and unprofitable bufinefs, and are weary of that little oudide worlhip which they do perform. 1 They haveHMven fet before them .eo- reek after, and to m·ake theirportion and delight, but they have fmall' def'ight to . think or fpeak of ir. Their hearti are unfutable to thefe high holy and fpiricual things. They are matters that they arc jjr~tnt.e to, and have no firm and confident bditf of, bat an un(ertaio wa– :vering weak opinion : and therefore they are tD~ [~tr off, to be theirddight. [They (ayteGoa. Depart [r'Q'III Hs; [fir We dcfire mt the ~now/edge of thy way ; What is the Almighty thift we fo~uld ferve him ? ana whdt profit foould we have if we pr,ay unt() h~~ l Job 2 r. r4, IS. J If they do come to the pt1blike Alfem– ~hes, ~nd joyn there in the outward part of wodbip, they find lmle hfc and pleafure iR it, becaufc they are !hangers eo the re- ~~~~~~~ [p~;~~~~l i'_~H w~!~9 isUthe ker~~h !.~ey !~£~ ~ore tl z at . _ ~.......-.. ___ -