Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

·?3'44 'A ·SJJnt er 4 'Brttt(: Part Ir.·. ·by the_ ~tpproh.ttiens of God: .and had rAther be far from God then neu h1m, and be excufed from a holy life then#fed to it an\t c?nihnt in_it :When you rak.e the world and fin for your r;crea.. t10n or delight, and a g?dly ltfc_for a melancholy, wcarifom, and unpleafant courfe : Th1s certamly fuews that you have yet the . old cornJpted nature, and Serpentine enmity againit the Spirit and Life of Chrifl:, andare yet)n the flefh, and therefore can no more pleafe the Lor~, then his holy w:tyes are pleding unto yoq, Ram. 8. 6, 7, 8. and 1t proveth that you are yet in thegall of bit– ternefs, and the bond!i of your iniquity, and that your hearcs are not right in the fight of God, and chat you are the flaves of sa.. tan, whofe naEure you partake of, by which you are thus 11/ien 11 • ud from the Lord. ' Didfi thou k._now God as Faith doth know him,hisLoving /cj~<Jd- . nt/s would be hettcr to thee then life it [elf, 'Pfo~lm 63 . 3. If thou did£1: Love him (as it is like thou wilt pretend thou dofi) it would be meC!t and drink to thee, to enjoy his Love, and do his-Will. And if thou k..,now him not by Faith, nor cluweft to h;m by unfeigned Lov(, how canfi thou pretend to have I1is lmage? How would ycu judge of that mans heart, that were ne becter aff~ctcd to his friend, to his parenrs, or children, or other relati– ons, then you manifdl your felvcs to be to God ? If he can take no pleafure in the company of his wife or children , but is glad · when he is far from them, in the company offirangers,or harlots, or prodigals, woul~ you not fay this man had a bafe unmanly difpofition? Exprefs but fuch an inclination in plain words, and try how honeH: fober menwill judge of them. Much more would it be odious to Chrifiian ears, if you fuould tell God plainly , [We can find no pleafure in thee, or in thy holy wayes; tby Wordand Service are unfavoury and wearifom unto us : We , had -rather be talking or befied about the matters of the world : -:We havefar more pleafure in recreations and fenfual accommo– dations, then in remembring thee and thy Kingdem, and then we find in thelife that is called holy.] Would not fuch words as thefe be called impiouJ, by every Chrifiian that fuould hear them.? And -is not that an impifJUI heart then, which fpeake'h t~us , ot 1s th~s 1ffdted, and that an impi{)us life that manifefieth1t? though d1f~ fembling lips are afuamed ro profefsit? -UG~~ ~en~~ mg~ ~~ ~~ !~!~~ ~!!~ ~~~ig~!~~ !!J,t~~~ ~ny thingr . . 0 . ~-'