Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

346 .J. S~inter tt Brute. '· Part IV Jinefs , and ~xp e- cbt[on .of the eyerl.afiing joyes ·? Heaven and eanh !hall bea.r wicnefs againft thee ., and common Reafon lhan bear.witnd~ againfl: thee, for this inhumane, impious folly and in· gramude, tf cvenhoa appear at t~e barr of God,with che guilt of fuch unreafonable fin. What! lS God no better in thine eyes the~ a filili,y bnltifb finful ple<ifure -? and is thl! Love of ,God,; fweeter awork, then the Love of fenfual delight!i_! Sa.ith bleffed .Augujl~n~ , He that 'Will fel~ ~r exchant~ hu foul _fer tranjit~r:J .commodtttes, doth cenfure Chrift to be a foolifo Merchant, that k._new .m better "ffhat he did, -whm he gave hu Life for thofe fo.His ,tf.Mt )FJfil ~illnot lr;fe a fin fr;r. So I may fay here : Hath Chrifl: bought for ~ou Holy and Everld1ing pleafures, at the price of his own moft bitter pains, and precious blood , and do you now think them no better then your flefhly beaftial delights ? Is it Chrifi or you.• think you, that is the value of them ? Did he fhed l1is blood to :purchafe you that which lS not WOrth the parting with acup ,of drink for , or the parting with your ;pleafure, or ,unjufi cor:nmodity fo~ ? Sur_e he that judgeth thus of Chrifi, .iJ far from believiflg in him, with any true Chrifrian faving Faith. 4. If you can findm pleafure inGod.and in ahof] life, you may .he fure that he will h.11:1e nQ pleafure inJOfl. Wonder not if you find in your greacefl: need, that you are abh~rred and lsathedby the Lord, when you lMthed the very thoughts and mention of him, in the dt1y of your vifitation. Marvail not if the mofl: Holy God do take nrJ pleafure in a lruuhfrm; {inner, when the finner is Jo.ungodly, .that he cakes mf)re plmfure in the_mofl: rordid fading .tnfles then in God. Yen(! may offer the facnfice,of yot:-Ir heart- . lefs hypocritical prayers and praifes unto God, and be will count them ab8min~tion, and cafi them ba£k as duag into your faces, and reil you th£t he hath nf.J pleafurr. in the ft~crifice of fuch fools: Read it in his own word , Prov. 15. 8. & 2L 27. l{a. 1. IJ. Eccief. 5. .f. As you are weary of fer'V in ... ~ him , fo he iswea~y of JOUr fervices, and itis a trou.bfet.ohi~ tobe)~r them, 11.nd when )Oft ljr~lfdjerthyour hands, ht w~ll h~de hu eyes fromyou, yea w_henyou makJ manyprayers he w~/tnot he~~· !fa. I. I4,?! r Whe~ tne Jews offered thetr lame d\!Cl;t tful facrmce!t, and law., [ limoldwhata .wutrinefs u it ,? J God fen ds them word, that he hatb 110 P1eafqre in them, nor wouid.regt~rd their perfons , nor accept A. facnfic,e at eh~ir ~~'!_~I, 1}!/l_!~ !~ 8.~ 9, ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ fo/~mf!. feajl S he[ c;unte]th - -- - '!!'"! ~ "'