Part Il.' ':A Saint 1r aBrtitt. 341 [dun[ J : And would be no acceptabl~prefent or feaft to your[elves, if it were offered you infiead of meat, M td. 2 , 3. [My foul (faith the Lord) ·lMthed them, ilndthei~ foul abhorred me J Zech I I. 8. As he that defpifeth him,foall be bghtly efteemed /Jy him, I Sam. 2. 3o. So be r.hat l~atheth h:m, !hall be loathed by him. [If any man draw bMk_., fatth the Lord, my foul f1;ttll ~ave no plea{ure in him. J Heb. IO. 38. For he u no.t. t~ God that 'hath plea[ure in wir;kfdnefs, neither fhall evil dwell with him: the fiJol– ;fh fha!tnot ftand inhu fight : he hateth all the work_ers ef iniquity., Pfalm 5. 4, 5. And little doyou now imagine what a horrour it will be to you in the day of ) our extremity for God to te\.1 you that he hath m pleafure in you : When you look before you into an eternity of woe , which you have no hope to efcape but ·by the mercy of the Lerd, and he £ball da!h that hope by telling you rbat he hai:h m pleafure in you, it will give your fouls the deadly wound that ne"Ver {hall be healed. .In vain then fhall yolil wi!h that you had chofen in time the dur11ble delights, and not the pleafures of filthy fin for fo foort afeafon : and to your cor– mem you 1h<'lll Know , whether God or the worldwa~ more wor– thyof your fweetefi affecti~ns and delights : and how deferved– ly rhey are [all damned that @Peyed not the truth , but hvul pleot[ure in unrighteoufm(s, 2 Thef. 2. 12. Who k!towing the judgm~ent of (jod, thM they which commit (uch things are worthy of dettth, net only do the fame, but h.tve plell{ure in them that do them, Rom.1.3 2. If YOlil will count it your plea/ure to ryot in the day-time , rather then eo -walk.. andWork_ by the light, you mufi look to rer:eive the duerewardof fuch unright~oufnefs, 2 Pet. 2. I 3. If it be your sport ro fin and to do mifchief, ( Prov. I o. 2 3. ) you 1hall l1ave fmall fport in futfering the puniiliment of your willful folly• • . 5. If God and Holi11efs feem not pleafant to you; then Hettven :![elf cannot feemp!Mf~n! to you, if yt)lll confider it truly tU it u. For the Heav~nly feltctty confifieth in the perfection of our Holinefs, and the perfeCt: fn~itiol!l of God himftlf, by Sight, and !-ove, and {oy for ever. If the little Holinefs be ur.pleafant and Jrk._/tJm to you, which appeareth in the imperfect Saints on earth., ~hat pleaftJre could you cake in tbacfupereminent Holine(s which ts the fia~e. and work of the celeftial inhabitants ? If the thoughts and mentwn of God be unpleafam ro you , and this holy praifes . do feem toyou as matters ofno cleJight, Wha.t then wouldyou d~ X X - . in /