3~o . Part II.' if they joyn with tbcm.iri the inwt~rd.r· and vital aflim.r· of reii- . &ion, they will then b~ quic,kly of another -mind, and not go back for all the pleafures or profits of the world. In rhe works of Nature, (and fometimes of Art) theoutfide is fo far from fhewing you the excellencies, that it is but acomely ¥aile to hide them. Though you would have a hanGfome cover for · you~ watch, yet cloth it but bide the well ordered frame, and ufefnl motions that are -wit_IJin: You mutl: open it, and there obferve the parrs and motions, if yo1:1 would pafs a right judgement ot the work. You would have a comely fOVer for your Books: but it is but to hide the well compofed letters from your fight in which the fenfe and ufe and excellency QotLJ confifl:. You mud epen it, if youwill re"dit and know the worth of it. Acommon f"Pecbl.tor when he feeth a Rofe or other flower or fruit-tree, thinketh he bath feen al1, or the-€-hiefe£1: part : But itis the fecrec unfearcheable motions and operations of the vegetative life and juice within, by which the beauteous flowers and fweet fruirs are ' produced, and wonderfully differenced from each other t.hat are the excellent part, and myfierics in thefe natural works of God~ · Could you b~t fee tbefe fecret inward caufe.r and cperation.r; it would incomparably more content you. He that pafferh by and , looketh on a Bee-hive, and feech but the Cover,and the laborious creatures going in and our, doth fee norh~ng of the admirable D-peration.r -nithin) which God bath taught them : Did you there fee how they make their wax and hone-y, and ·compofe their fombs, and ·by what laws, and in what order their Common– wealth is governed, and their work carryed on, you would know more ehen cbe out fide of the ·hive can lhew you. . So it is about the fife of Godlinefs-: If you faw the inward motions of the quir;ktning JPirit upon the foul, and the order and ex_ercife of every grace, and by what laws the thoughts and affections are ~overned, and to whom they rend, you woeld then fee more of the beauty of Religion, then y0u can fee by the outward beha. -viour of our afi'emblies, The /hell is not fweet ; but ferve$ .to h.iJe the fweeter part, from thofe that will not fterm chofe 'YI!".'IJ, that they may poffefs it as their prize. .The k.!rnel of Rel1gron is wvered with a /hell fo hP~rd that flelh and blood cannot break i.t; B.trd [ayi-ng.r, and hardpr8viJcnee.r to the Church, and ro panicolar believers, are fuch as many cannot breakt~rough, aRd therefore nc:ver.ta'fie the fweetnefs. , Themofi admtred feature · · - ·· · · and