Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

Partii. 35'i andbeauty of any of yonr bodies, (which fools think to be the mofi excelle-nt part of the body) is indeed but the handfome well-adorned cafe, that God by namre cloth COl'er his more ex– cellent inward works with. Were you but able ro fee within that skin and that once to obferve the wonderful motions of Heart and Bra~e, and the courfe of the blood in the veim and arteries and the feveral fc:rmertations, and the caufes and nature ' ef chyliflcations, and fanguifications, and the fpirirs and fenfes and all their works: and if you faw the reafon of every part and ve!fel in this wonderous frame; and the caufes and nature of every difeafe ; much more ifyou faw. the excellent narure. and operations 0f that rational foul, that 1s the glory of all; you would then fay that you had feen a more excellent fight, then the [t»ooth andbeauteous skJ~ that covers it : The invijible feu/ is of greater exc-ellenci~ then all the vifiblt beauties in the world; 5o alfo if you would know the excellencies of Religion, yotl muft not Hand witb~Jut the doors, or judge of it by the skjn ancl /hell, but you mtan: am;Je ncer,and look into the inward Renf{)ns of it, ~nd thmk of the dijfer,ence between the high imployments of a Saim, and the poor and fordid drungery of the ungodly ; be.;:, tween walking with God, in defire, and love, and in the fpiritual ufe of hisOrdinances anti creatures ,and converfing only with fin– ful men, and tranfiwry vanities: between the life of faith and hope, which is.daily maintained by the fore~ght of Everlafling / Gio:y, anda hfe of mecr nature an~ worldltnefs and fenfuality, and tdle complement and pompe,whtch are but the progenitors of forrow, and end in endlefs defperation. Come neer, and try the power of Gods Laws, anct of the workings of his fpirit . and think in good fadnefs of the place where you mufi live fo; ever, and the glory you ihall fee; and the fweet enjoyment: and employment you fuall have in the prefence of the eternal Majefly, and chink well of all the fweet contrivances and difcoveries of his love in Chrifi; and how freely all rhefe are offered to yo~; and how certainly they may be your own ; per'– ufe the promtfes and fweet exprdfions of Lo'f'e ~nd Grace. and exer.cife. your fmal~ in ferious meditation, prayer, thankfgi~ing, and pnufe; and wtthall remember, that none but thefe will be , du_rable delights; .and then tell me, whether a life of fpon and pncl.e, and worldlmrfs, and flefu-plea·fing; or a life of faith and · Hohnefs, be thebetter, thefweettr, andmore plea/ant life. XX 3 Dir. 3. ·'