Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

-3 5 t t 8r tt Brute: 'Part IJ,' DirrEl. 3. If you would ~ajl~ the Pleafttres ?l a Holy life, you mufi applyyour [elf to Chrift "'n the ufe of hu aepointed means for the rene'Win~ of your natures: that ~u Spirit may give you ; • 1/(W anderftandmg and anew heArt, to dt(Hrn and reltifl; fjiritPJfll things : For your old corrupted minds and hearts will never do it. ;They ~ue unfuitable to the things of God, and therefore cannot Receive them, nor jttvour them, nor be fPJbjeCl to the holy laws, I Cor. 2. 14, I 5. Rom. 8. 5, 6, 7, 8. The appetite and rellifh of every living creature is agreeable to its nature. A fiffl hath fmall pkaflilre in the dry land ; nor a bird in the deeps of water; grafs and water is fweerer to an Ox then our moft delicate meats and drinks : Corruption and Cufiom have made you fo vitioes, that your natures are not fuch as God made them at the firfr when he bimfelf wa£ mans dejire and delight : but they are n~w indined to fenfual things, being captivatedby the fldhly part, and have contraCtedafirangenefs and enmity to God. And Eherefore thofe Hearts will never rellifh the fweetndfes of a life of F:tith, and Holinefs, till Faith and Helinefsbe planted in them, aJ.lld they be born again by regeneracing grace : For that which u horn of the flefh u flefh , . ( and but fle(h ; and therefore doth reach no higher then a fldhly inclination can move it); andthat which is born of the fpirit is fPirit ; olnd therefore will reUilh and love things Spiritual. · . Direfl. 4. Lafily, if you would tall:e the pleo>Jures..of a Holy life , yon. muft thofe fin{ut ~efoly, which nowyou are fo takJn up with. For thefe are they that mfatuate your un·– derfhmdings, and corrupt your appetites, ancl make the fweeteft things feem loathfom to you. As the ufing of vain fporcs, and filthy lufi, abroad, dothmake fuch perfons aweary of their own relat:ions, and families, and bufinefs at home ; fo alfo the glutting of the mind with vanity, and ufing your felves to finful p\cafures, is it that turns your hearcs-from God, and maketh his Word and Wayes enfavoury to you. You mufl: firfl: with the Prodigal, Lttk.J I 5. be brought imo a famine of yo~r former pleafures,and be denyed the very husk , and thenyo~ ~~11 remember that the meaneft fervant in your Fathers houfe ts ma far better cafe then you, having bread enough, while you perifh through hunger. And hence it is that God doth fo often promote the work of Converjion by Ajftitlion ; and by the fame mean.s carryeth Bn the workof Grace mmofi that he will fave!. ~~~~~; yo~ !~ll bow ~- -· -- - - ---- -·------ ~--·------· ' ~Q .