Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

Part U. A S~Jnt or aBrNie: 3) S him before the worM ? What do you ( i.n their eyes) but dtf– praife him by your very counte~ance and car~iagc, w~ile you walk before him in fo much heavmefs ! The child that fhll cryes when you put on his fhoes, doth fignific that they him : and be difpraifeth his that makes a [Qwe,r f lice at 1t : 'And he difpraifeth his (riend, that is alway fad and troubled in his com– pany 1He that fuould .fay of God [Thou art bad'· or cru~l and ~Jnmerciful J fuould blaiphcme· And fo would he that fatth of Holinefs [ It is a bad, unpleafant, hHrtful ./late. J How then dare you ds that. which is fo lik..e to fuch ~lafpheming? when you 1hould abfiam from all appearance of cvd? r Thef. S· 22. Canfi thou find in thy heart thus to dillionour and wrong the God whom thou fo much efleemefi, and the grace which thou fo much de fire£\: ? For a wicked man that is far from God, to goheavily or roar in the horrour of his foul, is a fhame to his fin , but no di.fbonour to Godand Holinefs . But fer pu that are near him, in relation, engagement, and attendance, ·to walk fo heavily, refleCts on him to whom yo1a are Related, and.from whom you look for yoNr Reward. 2 . Confider alfo , What alament~th!e hinderanceyou 11re herell} to the cowrterpon and J alvationof fouls ? Your countenances and fad complainings do affright men from the fervice of the Lord, and as it were call to them, to keep off and fly from the way that )70U find fo grievoas. You gratifie Satan , the enemy of Chrifi, and Holinefs, and fouls, and become his infiruments (though againfi your wills) to affright men from the way of ·life. As the Papifis keep their deluded Profelyrcs abroad from TrHth and Ref~rmatirm, by giving them odious defcriptions of the Protefl:ants,as if they were Herecicks, proad, frantick, mad, and fcarcely men, and when they burn them, they adorn them with pictures of the Devil; even fo doth Satan keep poor fouls from ~nterca~ning Chri!t_and Truth , and entering the holy pathes. oy makmg them belteve chat the fervants of Chrifi: are a com– pany of difiempered melancholy fou ls, ·and that Godlincfs is the way to make men mad ; ·and that he chat will fee his heare on . Heaven, rnNfi: Bever look more for a merry comfortable life on earth. Heace c.omes the proverb of the Malignant Formalifis a~d ~rophane, ~hat A Purit~ne is 11. Protejlant frit.htened ORt of ~'-1 wsts. And wtl~ you confirm this fiander of the Devil and his mfirurnents ? Wtll you entice men to believe him ? Will you Y Y - ·- · · - make