Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

3:)6. 'A S11lni or 4Bfuteo·· Part ·IT; ~akeyour felves f~1cfrpid:ures of t:mhappincfs? and wear fuch a :Vizor of calamity and mifery, as !hall frighten all that lookon you and obfene you, an~ d'ifcourage them from the way whid 1 they fee acc~mpanyed With fo mach forrow ? As you hang up dead crows 1n y.our field to friuhten the refi from the Corn and as murdererJ are hanged in ir~ns w terrifie ~11 that fee the~ from that:. crime, or as the heads of Tray tors are fet up to rhe fame end, ~s proclaiming to all paffengers, [ Thmmuft you be u[ed-, if yuwwill do tU the]: J Jufl fo ·would Satan fill you wi th ter· rours, and overwhelm you with grief, and difiract-you wirh caufclefs.doubts -and fears, thllt you may app.ear to the world a rniferab!e forc.of people ; and then all that look on you will be.. afraid of GoGlinefs , and think they fee it as it were written in . your fore-heads, [Such drooping.pittiful" cyeaturesmu.ft all be, that wilt lead fo predfc andhu.venly a life. J Do you tbtnk your ttarnal neighbours and acqklaintance will not be deterred from a holy life , .when they. fee chat fince you turned to it, you do no– thing but complain, and droop, ·and mourn,as if you were worfe 1hen you were before ? And was it not enongh tbt~t you hin ~ dred their converfion before ·, when you were in your ignor;Ince . and fin, by y-ou-r wicked examples and encouragements, but you rtmfi hinder it ftilt byyour dejected difcourttging, countenances ·· and converfations? Yea perhaps your later exceffive troubles . may domore to hinper their converfion ,. then yowr perfwafions . and ex.amp,les did before. A11d can you find in your beans to lay fuch a block as this in ·theway of y~ur rniferable ac– quaintance, .to keep them from falvation? Will it not grieve you to think that you fhould have fo great a hand -- i-n mens damnati· · on , even fince .you are returned to God. your felves ? I know . by your forrows and complaints, that the perdition of a foul is no fmall matter in your eyes : 0 therefore take heed _of that which may procure it. The t'lfe that Satan would.have you mak~ of thefe very :words is, to go awaywith more dejed:i9n, ~nd eo , fay, C What awretch P~m 1-:? even unmeet ~olive, thilt Y] my $rJ·efs am not.only miferab!e my [elf, but alfo hsr.zder the falvatum of others: J A'nd thus he would draw thee to griev.e over all rLy griefs ag;lin , and becaufe rhoB haH exceeded w tby for- - rows , eo be more excefli'lle : and fo to -add one fin un;o · another ; and to d~ more, .becaufe you have done too mur~ :_ . S$J. that tzirf is nit .that h~ ea!! . ~l!o~ thee ; a11~ - one fh~{ -~ i · . ·.•