~ 36o .,.·S.tint or 4 Brutt. Pan'f( ,.duty to do the outwvzrd fl[}ions th<lt are here commanded us though we cannot r.each to that degree of inwardcomfort th~~ · We deflre : For wedo not he.reby affirm our felves to -have the joywhich ive haveno-t _: ( _lam not perfwading any man to Iye : J but onJy we exprefsas fully as we are able th~tt little which we hatJe : And a little indeed, avery lirtle of ft~ch a high and he 4 • -flenly natuie, grounded on &be fmalleft hopes of everlafl:ing life will allow you in the-exprdfion of it., to .tranfcend the greatc-U delights of the ungodly : And alfo we do perfo.rm the extern 11 t pare, both as acommanded duty, and as ameans ro further rhein,. ward rejoycing of the foul. So outward folemnity and feafting in dayes of Thankfgivin_g,areai well tofurthtr inward Joy, as to txprefs it : Even as mean attire, and fafling, and humbldr pro– flrations before the Lord, on dayes of Hum1liation, are as much to further inward Humiliation as toexprefs it The behav,iour of the body bath an operative reflexion on the mind : and therefore 1hould be ufed not only for the difcovery. but for the cure of the foul. If you cannot rej}rainyo11r angeras you defire, it is no hy– pocrijie, but your duty tohide it, and w refrain from the finfu! t-jfefls. _And if you can but ufe your felves fome time to bel1ave _}:our feJves inyour anger, as if you had no angt-r , in meeknefs of fpeech and quietnefs of deporcment, anger it felf will be the ~uickl yer fubducd, and in time will be the eaGer kept out. If you cannot reHrain yo-ur inordinate appetite to meat or drink, for quality or quantity; it is yet nehypocrijie, but your duty, robold your hands and 1but your mouthes and re frain the things to which you ba-&e an appetite. And if yolil will but ufe your felves acon– venient time to f orbMr rhe thing, you willjubduethe appetite.· If the drunkard will forbear the drink, and che gi~;H:con his coo much defired di1b, and the fportful gamefl:ers their neediefs and fi nful recreations, they will fi nd that the fi re of lenfualtty will go our, .for want of fuell. As the coo W4Ulton Poe t fa ithconcerning wan: tonLove . , lntrat ltmor mentes ufu: dcdifcitur ufu: ~poterit [anum fingerc, ( anm erit. Ufe, kindle r~ it: and ufe quen(he- th it : He that canbut Iive i4 4 fo und man, lhall ttt l;tfl: become~ found r>Jan. If you canno t over- £'111' yo~£ ;~.,~~~ !.~!~e as yo~ defire, youlllufl !'~t !herfJ~:k I-·""