Part II~ - As4int "Dr 4-Brflee: 361 -· fpeak big, and look high, and [wagger it out in bravery, and ac-: company wirhgallants, to avoid Hypocrijie :But you mufliJudz . humblJ, and be .c/Mthedfoberly ,-and accompany with the humble; And I. this is the performance of one parr of your duty ; 2. and . it is the e:xpreffion of yonr Defires to be more humble, and (On– feqlilently ofJmne humility contained in thefe defires; 3· and it is the way toWork.:ymar hearts to that humility which you want ; . or the way in which you mufi wait on God for the receiving of it : So if you canPot overcome the Lovi of the world as you de– fire, do not th~refore forbear giving to the pow; for fear of Hy- . pocrifie : But gtve the more , that y<>u may perform fo much of your duty as yau can, and may the fooner overcome your world– ly love. Some trees will be killed with ofcen cropping : But ii · they will not, it is better that a poyfono~s plant fhould live only.· in the root, then fprout forth and be fnmful. Even fo, if ·you cannot overcome your inw·.·wd doubts,and 1 feotrs, andforrrrws, as youdefire, yet le-t them not be fruitful~ . nor ca1:1fe you eo walk fo dejea:edly before the world, as todif– honour God and your holy profeffion : And if you have not : the inward comfort you ddire, exprefs your de fires , and the hopes · andfmt:l/ffl co7J1forts that you have, to the bdt advantage for · your Mafters honour : And you will find tlut a holychearfulnef.r,·: of countenance, exp:·dfion and deportment , w,ill at lafl: much · ·overcome your inordinate difquicrments , and much promote the joyes which you· defire. B'u.t yet that you may fee caufe · for the cheerfulnefs to which r now ·exhort you , I next: : adde. _ 3. If thou have hut one rpark. of favit;g gr.!!Ce, it u not po/fible.' for thee noW to conceive or expre{s the happine{s of thy flate, and the caufe thou hafho t;ve 11. tha»k.Jul j ~yom life•. If thou have no ' grace, thou art not the perfon chat 1 am now fpcaking to. If thou have no grace, whence is it th~t thou fo much defireft .it ? · What is it that caufeth thee to lament the want of it, and walk fo · ,l1eavily, but becaufe thou ~rt fo much in doubt of it ? If thou truly Leve it, thou haft it, (for it is only gr::ce that caufeth an unfei.gned Love of grace.) . .And if thou lvve it not, why canft not thou more q~1ietly be without it ? Why doH: thou mi':lke fo much ado for it ? But if thou fuave it in the leafl: degree, and fo-art born again of the fp ir it, thou haft with it an unfpeakable · ~neafur.e of deligbts : The God of Life and Love is th ine : The -· -- · --- ·~ ·- · .. · -- -_- ·····- - · · ; .. · ·· Lor4"'