361 <~:SAint er 4 Bntte:, Part II. Lord J efus Chrifi is thine : The Spirit i$ thine : Tbe promifes are thine : and Heaven it felf i~ thine in title, and fuali be thine in ~1JI1 perp~tual poffeffion. _1he G(Jd that made. and ruleth all things, Js Rccon~zled to thee, and 1s thy F01ther, havmgby grace in Chrifl adopted thc:e to be his Son ,; Rom. 5· I, 2, 10, I 1. & 8. r,16,t 7 • Gal. 4. 6. 2 CGr, 6. 18. The Son of God is become thy Head, and thol:l art become amember of hh· body., u fie/h of hu fiefh, and bone of hu6one, (which no man ever yec liath hareG) Ephef. 5. 23, 27, 29, 3o. Thou art become the Temple and rejidenceof the Hvly Ghoft. Thy title to Huwen is incomparably more fure, .tben any mans humane title to his ·poffeffions or iuheritance on earth: And what rejoycing can be too greac for aman in thy condition? 0 what aLife fhould that man live? with what (weet delight fhould he be tranfported , that bath the Spirit of Cbrifi now living in l:iim, to prepare himand feal him 1:1p for an endlcfs life with Chrifi ? He tb~t £hall be/hortly fo full of joy, fhould not be empty nowwhen he remernbreth what he mufi fuortly be. Doeh it befecm him now to dwell in grief, and refufe confolation, that mufl in a few dayes be fwallowed up with Joy? If thou chat fit– tefi here in heavinefs, wcrt afl'ured that fhorrly thou lhowJdH be with Chrifi, and made abldfed companion of Angels, and pof- . feffed of thy Ma11ers joy, a joy rh<'lt hach no bounds or end , would not thy Confcience then tell thee , that thou greatly wrongefl fuch abundant mercy,in that thou art no more affected with it? .and that thy want of joy doth exprefs thy ~oo much want of thankfulnefs. Dofl: thou fi= there like a child of God , and like an heir of Heaven; and a co-heire with Chrii:t ? (Ram . .8 . 16, 17. ) Doth that forrowful heart, and that dejected coun– tenance become one that mufllive with Chrifi for ever, in·fuch refplendent glory as thou muH do ? and that bath but a few more dayes to live, till thom take poffeffion of thefe cndlefs joyes ? The Lord pardon and heal our tmbelief. DidFaith more effectual!;' play its part, as it is the evidence of things not feen, and with– draw the veil, and !hewus, though but in a glafs,the glory which we mufi fee with open face , it would be wine to our hearrs, anet oyl to our countenances, ~nd make our poverty,, fickoef~ and death more comfortable then the wealth, and health, andhfe of ' ' the ungodly. 1know you will fay fliJJ, that you couldrejayce if you were f ure allthis wereyours : but -whenyou rather think_,you hflve no part in it, it can be but fm;~/1 comfort to yeu. .Anfw. . I