Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

Part I't. - ~1 'S'dlntlr 4Bnttt.. _ 36·3· Anfw. 1. But who .is it lmgof that you hitve frill f~Ich fears ?· .Haveyou not in your fouls that Love to Hulinefs , that defirt ~tfrerit, that hatrea and wearimfsefjin, th:-it Love totbe fearch– ing difcovering ufr ~f the Word of God, that Love to.thf Brethren.· which -arethe evidencesof your title, and to whtch Godluth plainly prornifed falvacion ? If then you have your Title in the Promife ', and your Evidences in your hearts, and yet Will be fl:ili qudl:ioning whether you have them or no, ~nd whether the King-. dom !hall be yours, your wesknefs and inconfideratenefs caufeth your own farrows : And when yotl have finftilly bred your doubts, ·will you infirt on them w excufe your followinG fins ? 2. Are you not {ure that Chrifi and his bencfirs are yours? I amJure they are yours, or may be if you Will : and nothing but your wnrinued refufal can deprive you of them. For this is the very tenor of the promife : And if you will not have Chrifr and hii offered benefits, why do you fo d;{femble as to take on ylJu t(} mourn becaufe you have them not ? But if you are willing, they are yours. Object. But (you will fay) if we had mthing but caufc of comfort ·, we coRld rejoyr:e : ·but we have caufe of forro-n~ itlfo : HJw can we live 'omffJrttliPI; underfo much fin .rnd' {uf-. . fering ! Anf'W. By thisaccount you will never rejoyce till you come to Heaven; for you will never be free from fin and fuffering ti'll. then. Nay it wouldhave no man elfe rejoyce , and fo would banifh all comfort from the w0rld : For . there is m; man without fin and fuffering. , . But what c~n there beof any weight, to prohibit a fincere Be.; liever from feafonahle fpiritual rejoycing? Have you fin ! it is not.grofs and reigning fin : And finful infirmities, the befr ofthe Saints on earth have had. As your fin mufi be your moderate f()r– row; fo t~epardrm Df it, and the degree of mortification which you have attamed, and rhepromifeyou have offull deliverance, fhould · be rhf matte.r of your greater joy. Are your Graces we~tk I Be humbled in the fenfeof th~t your weakJsefs ; bm rejoyce m(Jr·e that they 11re fincere and will be perfdl. Areyour affiiilions great ! Be ht1mbled under them : Buc rejoy(;e more that they are but Fa· th~rly chafiifements, proceeding from Love,and ccr:~dingto your £!~~~~~ £~2~ ; ~~~ ~~~~ Y~l! ~re favcd f.~q~ ~~~ ~~~!~m!~£ fireJ' Z 'f. anw . --t' ~· ..