Part rr~ . ~4 ·s4inl ~r AB-ruu~ ~b) not to ltt their ht~tru he trrmbled, Job. 14. ~~ and promifing \to fend the comforcer to them, and that he WO!Jld come to them, and not leave them Cornforclefs, verf. 16, 18, 26. Repeating it again, v. 27, 28. [ Peo~tce 1 le,we -with you: my peAce 1 give unto JIH : not M the world giveth give 1 unto you : Let not yrmr heart be troubled, neither he afraid] Nay, he engageth them as they Love him to .rejo7ce, even becaufe he went mtto the Fttther: He engageth them in the decref.l: LrJve to ~ne a11other that .their lives might be the more fomfortable; He foretelleth them of his fuf..: ferings and of their own,le!l: being fm·prized, their forrow fuould be the more. He promifeth them that their{orrow foal! he tPJrn– ed into joy, Job. I 6. 20. and that in h;m thq fhall h"ve peace, when in the world they have tribHlation, v. 33. directing them to prayer, and promifing to hear them that their joy may be full, v. 24. and promifeth that none foal! t~tk_e it from them, v. 22. telling them of the manjions that he prep11retk for them , and that it is his will, that they be with him, and behold hu gl9ry, that: nothing might: be wanting to their joy' roh. I4· 2, 3· & 17.. 2 3, 24. When heappeareth to them after his Refurreetion, his falutation is, [Peace be unto yoN] Job. 20. 19, 2 I, 26. The abounaing and mHltiplying of this holy Peace, i3 the defire and faltltation of Paut to the Churches in all his epillles, Gat. 6; 16.. Ephe[.6.23. Rom.IS·3j. ICor.I. '3· Rom.1.7. Ga/.1.3. Phil. I. 2. Col. I. 2. 2 Thef I. 2. I Tim. I, 2. Tit. I. 4•' Phi/em. 3. So Peter i1 Pet. I. 2. & 2. I, 2 . & z (oh. 3. & 3 {ob. 14. The Gofpel it felf is amelfage of glad tid~ngs Luk: 8. I. AEI. I 3. 32. And it is the work of the minifiers of ChriH, to preach Peace to the finful world ~hrongh him, .AB. I 0. 36.- and to befeech them to be reconciled to God, z Cor. S· I9, 20. and tobring Peace t() the houj(s where any of the fons of Peace ~&bide , Matth. I o. 12, I3. Luk. 1 o. 6. Tri– umphing joys and prodam:ttions of Peace were the entrance of ·Chrifls Kingdom: This Angels proclaime, Luk. 2. 14. [Glory be to GBd in the highe[f: on Earth Peace: G@od wilt to\~ards men J This the new infpired Difciples proclaim, Luk. 19. 37, 38. · [The \t>ho.'emu!tit~tde of the Difciples beg.m to rejoyce, and praife God with a loud voice, f or o.ll the mightywork._s that they h.,d {een, Jaying, Blef{edbe the King t~at cometh in the name of the Lord: Peace i;a heaven, (lnd Gl1Jr) in the Higheft J what abundance of commands for R(joyr:ing are in the Scriprure ~ ~fal. 3 r ~ 1. [ KeZ.z .. 2 joyce