Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

Part Il. A Saint or 'A Brute; 36~ · come them ?lf you ~tre wi/liiiJg, then they are but your pardoned infirmities; For thats the dtfference between infirmities and reigning fins: [ VVhat[oever fin confofteth with agreater Habitual -wiltingne{.s to a7.1oid that Anda/l9ther fin, then to kfep them, u but 1111 Infinnity J for . it fiands with prefent: faving grace, and is ·alWays Habitutdly or virtually repented of, and aClullllJ, when grace,by knowledge and confideration,hath opportunity 01nd ~d-. yanr:~ge to produce the act. 3. And when on~;e you are truly ingraffed into .Chrifi, he is· your worthinefs, and your rigkteoufne(J, and the treafury of your fouls; and what you want m your rn:l'n p~<Jfejfron, you have in hi& h.11nas ; and as what you have is but his gift, fo what you want he is able and ready to fupply . . Look not too much to·your felves, as if your fafety ancl happinefs were principallY in your own band.Godhath given us eternal life, I. C: Scaliger Epidorp.l. 7. p. 196. ~ .. and thu life is in hi& [o1f. qutJd V~lto;No~ que1 quod debel: !f<!.ttd tU?· · h h Men[urtz me(4es, t1' Damine,immenfa potcJtas: He t Mbath the font IIth Non eg~ tu'll: .@_rfodq; Y.alm, t" mibi dedifli: life, I J 0 h. 5· I 0, I I. It .!}0odtjq dn,non do, fed accipis; bocmim dedifti. is through him that we Tu fg/146 tibi [&tu es : tit mihi, tibiq; cttn do all things, fo far 'l{e' te laf!do, ubllttudo: fed if[e te ipfe laft.daJ as he /frenl1'hteneth m . Me p_erftetens, nDJJ ~IM, ftc laud1b~ tJrnans: • b . • ff!_ueume ad te trafm: haud ego te trah9 fuper me~· and Without hzm we lrle. pr~tueniens bic adts: ·ut mihi fuperfis. c,:tn- do nothing. Make , ufe of him therefore as the Lord of !ife, and joyfully acknow.: – led&eall that you receiye, and ftand not dejectedly lamenting tbat you need him. If you w0uldhave the waters of life, goe to , the fountain, and do not Gt down and fruitlefly vex your felves , with complaining of your wants, infiead of feeking for fupplyes • . Is there not ;\O allfufficient PhyGcion of fouls llt hand? Doth he not freely off<r you his help ? what thoughyou are not fudclenly cured? wounds may be .cau[c-d in an hour, but they ufe not to , becsred in an houre. Stay his time, and ufe his remedies, and chcerftally trufi him, and you fuall ·find .the -cure fuccefs(ully ;go , on, though it will not be finifocd till death. . . 1· Confideralfo, tbatitmuflneedsbetheueft4nJ.moftdefirahfe · life, Tl1bich is lik!ft to our life inHe'iWcn• . And therefore as Helt~·ven 'is a ftatc of {ay, fo (oy is the higheft and beft :condition on ea:th.He is thebeil: and happyefl ~~n,that is like!l: to the glorified · ~amtsand Angels ; .And jqdge y~·ur; f~l~e~ l_Vbeth~~ ~ deje_Elel4 1 or