.370 A Sttint or a Bmte. 'PanH.,' or a rejoJCing Chrifiian be liker to thefe inhabitants of Hea~ ven? , Object. But (you will fay) by that r1t!ewe .foou!d'not mourn .tturll; (for they do not;) Who·etts God ·ddighteth irJthc cont·ritl . foul, and Chrijf bltjfeth moun~ers and \\1eepers. .4nfw. I. Your rd~mblance of che Saints inHeaven, mull: be proportionable in all the p.wts. You mufl: labour fi rft to pe as like them as you can in Holinefs, and then in 'Joy. If you could be as far from fin as they, you need not mourn at all. But becaufe you cannot, you mufl have moderate, regular forrows and humiliati– on, while you havefin. But yet withall you mu£1: endeavour ro imitate rhe .heavcnly }oyes, according to ~he meafure of ·your Grace,received. · · • 2.. And it is fuch a regular contrition , confifiing in humHe thoughts of our felves , and tending to refioreus from our falls and forrows, unto,our .integrity and joy, which God deligbced1 in : And it is fach mourners as thefe, and fpch as fuffer for righteoufn-efs fake from rnen,~that Chrifl pronounceth ble.lfed : Bblt the inordinate troubles of the foul, that exclude a holy de· light i-n God , though he pardon, yet he never doch. en– courage. 6. Confider •llfo , that a gre~tt .part of JfFUr Religi~n, yea and themofi hi~hand excellent part, doth conjift in tl}ecaufeJ, form llftA effects of thi·s hely joyand che.:zrfulnejf. I. As to the caufes of it, they are fuchas in tbef!lfelves are. requifite to the very 6eint_ . of the new creature. Faith and Love, which ·are the Head and Heart of fanCl:lfying grate , are tbe Cflu[es of our.fpiritiutl joy. An unwilling, heavy, forced obedience, may proceed fror.n meer Fears, t;~.nd this wilt not prove an upright heart. But when once we Believe Everlafting Glory,and L9Ve Chrifl .u 01-Jr Saviour, and the FAthfr .uourFatherandfelicity, and Love· a holyframeof lmzrt and life, as the image of God and rhat which pleafeth him, 1 then our obedience will be chearful and delighrfyJ, unlefs accidm– t~<lly we trouble our felves by our own rnifiakes. If you can. truly make God;nd his will and fervi,ce y~ur Delig?t, you rn~y be f!llre you L6vehim, ·and are belovedby hsm, as bemg pail: the Hate of f.lavifh fear. · . · 2. And1ha vc: tbewed you that 1oy in the Hol]-Ghofl is it felf ·~ne· fMrt of that grace in which Gods Kingdom doth con~fr; J~?ug~ ~~~ [ttc~ ~ pa~~ ~~ ~ ~~£~~~~ £~~~~~ p~~~ly be w~~~; ,f. :