Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

'A s;~Jni or ti -Britt!: :37t' out, yet fuch is is exceeding fu_itable EO his ihte, and necdfary tO ' his more happy being. ' . , 3. And wahout t~his holy Ddi·ght ancfJoy, youwill deny God a principal part of his fervice. How can you be thankful for the great mercies of your Jufl:ification, Sanctification, Adopti.on 1 and all the fpecial graces you have-received, or for your hope5 of Heaven it felf, as long as you are fl:ill doubting wbecher any of .t,.hefe mer~ies arc ]tJUrs or not, and almol1: ready to fay that you never received them ? Nay you will be lefs thankful for your 1:\ealtb, ::tnd life, and food, and wealth, al'ld all common mercies., as doubting lefl: they will provebut aggravati0ns of your fin and n:i.ifery. And for t~e great and excellent work of Prttije which lhould beyour daily facrifice, but fpecially the work ofeach Lords day, how unfit is a doubting , drooping, difirdfed foul for the performance of ic ? You frifHe holy Love within you, and fiop your mouthes when they fhould be fpeaking and ftnging ~h~ praifei of the.Lord , and difa~le your fdves from the me>fl high~ ~nd fweet, an.d acceptable part of all Gods fervice, by your un– warrantable doubts and [elf-vexations. And· when all thefe are I_aid aftde,,how poor,and lean a ferv1ce is it, that is left yog to per– form to him ? Even a few tears, andcomplaints, and prayers ·? which I. know Goa will mercifully accept, becaufe even in your defires afcer- him there is L~ve ; but yet it is far fhort of the fer- . vice which youm,ight perform. Nay your HctZvenly~miiul€dne(J will be m~;u:h fflpprefl:, -as long as you are fadly qtiefiiorlirrg·whe~ ther ·ever ·yo:u £hall ,come thither, and it will be yours or oot _ ·- 7. Are you not a£hamed to fee the fervants of the Devil .and the world fo jo_~und, a~d felves fo fad that ferve the Lord -~ Wi11 you go mmu:ni~-g'fo inordinately. to.He~tven, when-9thers go fo merrily to Belt.? ;v'Yill you credit Satan and Sinfo;much; as_ to perfwade men by your praCttce, that ·fin affordeth more pJeafure and content then Holinefs ? . _ : 8. You could live merritJJ6Ur {elves htfore y~ur Cen'Tier{ir;kl.; wJ;i/eyoufervtdjirk.: And will you :d.eje:Eled!y mw yo11 ~ave r~p~ntcdof it ? As if you ~ad changed for dae -wa-rje, e~ would make men think_.[o l 'l know y.<Jti would not foralltbe -'Yor.l d ?e were before your change. VVJJy then do you ~!!e as tf ·ycqweremoremiferablc then before? - -····- - - --- -- ---:--- --- .------- ~ ~ ~ "-- ~--- ~ 9~ ¥ 0~