Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

3.76 . 'A S~lt# or 4 Brute. . . - ·Part ·Ir, lAjliNg k.,indne/J "Nilll ~a:C mercy ~n thu, (irit!i the Lgrd thy .K.e– decmer. For thu is tU the 'Waters of Noah Hnto me: For tU I have { tbn~atcrsofNoah foould no morego ove,. the earth: S@ have JjwrJrn that I woulti not be wrath with thee nor rehukf thee: F_or tile mountains foil// depart, ~tnd the bi/11 /;e removed; but my kJ"dneft/I.MI! not depart from thee, neither /ht~ll the Covenant of my / peace be removed, f~rith the Lord th.u h~tth mercy on thee. J And • thou~h yet we have our troablefom. imperfeCtions, it belong.eth to our G~d, through the bl~odof the ever/afting Covenant, to·mlfk,: 1U ~erf:Cf m every good wor~, to do his will , workjng inm that whtch u well-pleaji1Jg in hu fight thrBHgh {efm Chrift, that tc hi11t maybe the glory for ever, Heb. I 3. 20, 2 I. It is his work., [to com-. fort all that mourn,; t6 appoint to them that mount inZion, and tfl' give them /;eauty for afl;es, the oJl of jo} f(}r mourning, thegarment of prai/e,for thefpiritof he'avinefs, thllt they might be ~a/led trees ~f righteoufnds, the plantingof the Lord, that'he might heglori– fieli_ ' They foal! be named The Priefts of the LorJ; tnen}hallcllltthem 7he mi,niftersof our Ged . - E7Jerlll]rit~g joy /htdl be untothem- F9r the Lord will direfl their work_ in trHth, andmakf 11n everlafiing CovtnllrJJ with them- .All .. that fee them /ball acfe..nowledge tbrm,that they are thc/ud whm; the Lord. hath blef{ed ~ Therefore fhould · we gruuly rtjeyce i:~ the 'Lord ; ~tn4 eur {oP~lJ fhouid be joyful i1f our God : .Far he bath .doathed rn with ~he garments of fttlvati rm ; he hath covered us with the robnof righteou{nej'J· , IU a Bridegroom deck.fth him[elf ,-,ithornaments, and M a 73rideadwneth her fcif with her Jewels .] lfa. 6 I. [ .A. nfWhe·art alj9wilt I give}' 11, and 'a ~te'Wfpirit wilt '1 pu1 intoyou, and I wiil·tak;s a_WAJ the fhn)'1i.eart ottt of yO.ur flefh, and 1 will tg,ive pu an h.ettrt of jlc/h :. and ·I will put, 1tl} {pirit withinyou, ~~,nd c_a;;fc ,1ou ·to walk_. in .my ftatutes , . ttn1 ye – f/Htl/ k.,eep myJHdganents ana do them ·--- ·-· And I w:ll ;ave , you from at/your .uncle4nne[s , .&c .. } Ezek. 36 ~ 25,2~,:Z72 49, L Ami they foall be my p.~o~le, atJd'l wMl~.e their Cod ~ ·~nd I _W.ifl , gi1,1e themo:ne heart and cnq_ wAj, ~h:t11fhey mP~J[<ea~ ~ve~ /t ~ for the go6dof them, find of th(ltr ch.tldrmafter t:hem; 11nd lwtll·. mak.Jane'llerl4lingCovenant with tht:m. that I wt~lngt t~rn awtt1, from the"' to do themgood ; b11t ]will put mJ. fea~ tn tlmr hearts, thlltJheJ foal/ not dcp.11rt..jr8~HJJC : Tea I w~Jl reJOJCC ~11~r ~he~ to, ~o!h~mg.sod, ~~r J~t~ ~~·:38, ~ 91 40~ 4~.· [ If_appJ. ~~~ !~f'P:~£;:· ....._._J