Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

·a so ·. ';f,$41111 1r ~ Brlite. l'art Ir., • therefore yoo ~xercife not tho~e a_Ppreh~n·fions ; if yen look not frequently, fertoufly, and beheymgly mto the worlcl that you · muft lin in for ever, how can the comforts of that world illu.– flrate an~ rcfrefh you in this .p:efent ":'orld ? The Light and He~t,whtch ts the7!umty and Lifeof thts lower -world, proceed– eth not-from any.thmg·in thuwor/d, but from the Sun which is fo far above us, and fends down hither its quickning influence and rays. ' They are not the genuine comforts of Chrifiiani~y i whi'h are not fetcht from the world above. ; .Dir. 7. ~fyouwoul~ have t.he experience of the P/eafttrn of a ltfe of Fatth and Holmefs, nctther defire nor €htrifo any furs orforrowJ, but fuch as-as are fubfervient to Fttith, and Ifope, and LofJe, and preparatory t() Thank._ft-J/ne/J and loy. Think not ~eligion confJfieth in any other kind of for rows. Nay if any t>ther fhould a1faulf you, be fo far from taking them fpr your duty or religion, as to rdift them, and lament th(m as your fin.' Thiit is true and fa.ving Humiliation, I. which makes you vile in your own eyes, and loath your fdves for nn. 2.. And maketh you more defiro'Lls to be delivered and deanfed from your fin, than to live in it, h_ow fwcet or gainful foever it may feem, and 3. maketh you fet more by a Saviour to deliver you, than by all the pleafllres, riches, and hono1.1rs of the world. What ever want of Grief or tears you find., if you have the{f figns, your Repentance and humiliati~n is fincere. Do not therefore refufe your Pt~t&e becaufe you have not greater forro'WJ; nor difiurb yo'tlr fouls by firugling for exceffive for row : Take not part with them, but -do your befl to cafi them out, if they arc fuch as would deftroy yoHr Lovt and ?oy, and drive you from Chrift,and hinder your Thanfgivings.Know that the ~ife of your Religion confifieth in the Holy Lo11e of Godand of Ius Image and fervants and holy ways~ Love is your duty and your felicity and reward : Therefore let all-tend to the exercife of Love, and •aluc mofi thofc means which mofi promote it ; and think your ·felvcs befi wmen yoa abound moil: in Lr;ve ; and not when you are overwhelmed with thofe FearJ and Griefs which hinder Love-. Study therefore above all, the Lave of God reveale~ in Chrilt: which is the beft attractive of your Love to b~tn ; and ha~e all fuggeftions whic~ !Y.Ould rcprefent ~odunlovely and ~~dc~r~bl~ ~o yon. , ~ir. B,