Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

,art It :'A s.cint 1r 4 Brafe-¥· 'j8i Dir. 8. Vfe cheerfr.~l comp~tny : Not Clflrnal, but holy ; I no fuch as wafic their time in unprofitable frothy fpeeches~or filthy, or prophane or fcornful jeafi:ings : But fuch as have moft of the fenfe of Loveand mercy on their hearts ; and are befr acquaint~ · ed witha Life of Faith, and whofc fpeeches and cheerful con· verfations, do mofl: lively manifcft their fenfe of the Love of God, and of the Grace of Chrifi, and the eternal happinefs of the Saints. There is _a delightful and encouraging virtue in the converfe of joyfpl, thankful, heavenly believers ·: Ufe it ther~ fore if yolil can have ir. Dir. 9. In your addrdfes to ·God in holy worfhip, be f~re . that Pr11i[1 andThanfgiving_have its due proportion, Theyare : the chiefand mofl excellent and acceptable parr, and therefore · · let them not have the fmallefl: room, Though your fins and wants be as great as you imagine in your complaints, it is yet your duty to Praife the E1:cellencics and Attributes and works of yo11r Cre– ator, and to be Thankful for th~: preparations made by Chrifi- 1 and freely offered yoN, fo that they £hall <-:ertainly be yours, if you accept them. But mach more Thankful fhould yolil be that ha-ve· bur the evidence of De fire andConfent to prove your Intc:-, refi i.A Chr.ifl: and in his Covenant. . -· I would intreat poor troubled fearful fouls to ReColve upon this one thing, _which isreafonable, necej[ary and in their power, that w~en they are upon their knees wtth God, they will JPmd M mr.~ch of their Time and wtmls i1J conftjfing mercies and Praifing God, tU in CQnfejJingjin, and condemning themfelvu and lamtnting their wants, Andwerik_nef[es, anddijfrefs.Though they cannot do it cheerfully as they fhould, let them do it as they can. And at Jail: while they keep in the right way of duty,and ufe themfelvcs to the commemoration ofthllt which is fwect and grateful to the foul, Religion it felf will become fweet and grateful ;and chearfulnefs of heart will be promoted by our own·confiderations & expreffions-• .The fa~e I defire of them as to their Thoughts ; that they, Wtll do tht&r beft to fPend tU many thuught sand tU much time upon Mercy as U\)On fin andmifery; and upon the Goodnefs, and Lo'T!e Qf God in Chrift, as upon his threatnings and terrous. Dir. 10. If ~0!,1 would cane the G.Omforts •of a holy life, be fure tha~ you gtve up your felves to Chrifi without referve and follow him fully, ami place :all your hopes and confidence i~ his Bb b z promifc\1