_ r:A sAlnl irABrilte~ Part J:r; romifed revnr~s : Se.n·e him with your ~.cl',. yea ~Vith your ttll ; and not Wttb fome cheap and heanlefs fervtce. Comforts are the RC\TJards of faithfulnefs': ,The¥ th2-lt do God the mofr fine.: re and coftly fervice, and fave nothing from him which he calleth them to lofe, are likeO: to be enwuraged by his fweetd'l: comfort~. It is fiuggifu neglea:s, and wnfmirfulnefs , doing no good in the world, but thinking to be fa ved by a dull profeffion .· .rhat makes fo · many untomfort~ble profeffors as there be ; · Though I know that on the other ex cream, roo -many -live in pining fadnef~, by not unded'i:anding the. Covenant of Grace · which accepteth of fincerity, and-fecurcth the weak and infant;, in rhc family of· Chrift. But yet the ba-rren unprofitable Chrifh– ans (I mean that comparatively are fuch , rhou.gh they be Gn... cere) fhall find that God will not encourage any in fioarhfulnefs by his fmiles and corifolations, Direa. r r. If you would know the Refl: and ·Comfort ofBe.;' -lievers; fee that·you ReO: in the Will of .God in all Conditions, as . the Center tlnd·only bottom for your fouls. His wiU is noc to {;)e . nduced to yours: flrive theref~re to bring yours mofi fullylnd quietly to _his. Gocls Will is the Univerfal Original and End of all things, and there is.no F€'licity or Rcfi for man, but in t~e ful– filling, and pleaGng and difpofa:ls of his 1'1il/. Be not too defi· rous of the fuHilling of your ownwills,. and murmure ·no.ragainfl: . the difpofals ,of the Will of God. ·h cannot but ·be Good w·bich proceedeth from that will w~ich is the Spri11g '/;good. The ac– complifhment of Gods Will, iHhe perfection of all created be– ~s, beingrhat End for whicb' th~y are all creared. If you Re{f in your ow?S wills , your Re! will be imperf~a:-, difiurbed and {hort of duration; Foryour wills are the wiHs-of weak and yi– cious men: They are frequently mifgnidedby an ignorant mind, and perverted by :a corrupt and bydied heart : But Go'ds will is 1 11ever mifgulded ; nor· ever determinedofany thing but for the · befi. If you Reft here, you R.efl: in fafety; you may be fure you . fuall never be·aecciTe<1 byhim ': Yoa may Rcrfl: in COflfiantpeace and qnietnefs ·; for God is unchangeable, and will not b~ off and on wieh .t~s , as we are with him, and with our fel\t.es. As yoa pray that his Will m~ty be done, acquiefce in rhe doing of his . WiJI ; . and whatever befall y_ou, repofe a.nd fatisfie your hearts . in thi$. Dirta. 12~