-, Part ll~ ~ S~tlnt or A Bruu~ 383 DireEl. 12! Lafily , let me add, that when you have all r .. , Direttions that can be giv_en, you tn:Jf1: not too much to your @Wn underfianding and skt!l for the applicatjon of them te fVPJr [elves:, inany weighty difficult cafes .. But as you will not think it enough for rhe health of your bodtes, to have Phyfick Books and phyfick LeCtures, unlefs you have alfoa Phyficion who knoweth more then you, to dire& you in the application ;- fo think i.t not ehough thnt you have t~c ~e~ Books and 'Sermons '· unlefs you have alfoa faitbful and Jlildlctous.Paftor, whofe ad·nce you may crave in particular.difficmlties, and who may direct you in the difcovery of your own. difeafes , and applying the fittefl: reme– dies in their{eafons and.meafures; with fuch Eulrs and Cautions as are neceffary to the fuccefs •. If God. had not: known that ther-e– _would fl:ill be many children and weak ones in his family , chat .would !tand in needof the infl:ruetion, fupport and encoura~ement of the fl:rong.,- he would never have fettled Pafl:ors in his Church tO wAte::h over all the flocks , and to be alwayes ready at · h'lnd, for the confirmation and encouragement of fuch. as need their help. There bad been no Phyficions, if there had been no difeafes. Tirenot your Phyficions with needleJs confulcations,for eafie and <>rdinary cafes :but b€ not without them in your gre;acer !traits, and wants, and doubrs. And [ 6/ejffd he God, even the Fiither of our Ler~ refm Chrift, the Father of. Mercies, nn~ the Goli of' all comfort, ~he comforteth us in all our tribu/Mion, that we may be able to comfort them which otre in llYJ] trouble, by the com– fort wherewith we our felves are comfortea of God : For M thefu~ faing,s of Chrift: t~bfJund in us, fo our confolll.tion alfo aboundeth by Chrift. Anawhether we be a_jfiic1ed, .it u for pur con{oltttion a~zd falv.ttio,~, which Mejfeflual in the enduring of the fttme Jujferingl, -w-hich we alfo [ujfer : or Whether we be comforted, it u -forjour con– fol.ttion andfalvV~tion.] 2 Cor. I. 4, } , 6. While you are fick or infants, the fironger mufl: fupport you . . You cannot fiand , or go, or fuffer of your felves : And--God is fo tender of his wt;,ak and little ~mes, that he bath not only given ftrength to Mhers for theirfak.fs,and commanded the ftrvng to bear the burdens and infirmitieJ of the we~tk., G~l. 6, I, 2 . . Rom. 1 5, I, 2, 3, 4· but alfo ettabliilied the Minifterial office much for this end. Mal. z. 7.' For the Priefts lips jhtJuldk!tp ftnowledge, and ihey fhould feek., the Law at hu mouth; for- he uthe }Jef[engtr of the 'Lard of Ho.fi s. N'>t .