}84 Pare 11~ t that we fhoutd difdofe our Confciences : and depend for. guidance on every ignorant or ungodly man, that hath che namt . and place of a Pridl:; Eveq among the Papifis, m~n have leave to choofe fuch Confe!fors as arc fictefr for them. If the Priefls [de– part 91/t of the w~ty , 11nd C411[e m~tny to- ftuf11/;/: al the Law, and corrupt the Coven11.nt ofLevl, the Lordwi:llnMf<! them contempti/1/e and ba(c beforeallthe people, Plccording as they ht~.ve not k,.ept hu Wayes, but been p.zrtitt/ in the Law.] Mt1/. 2, 8, 9· But _ufe thofe th~u: are qualified and fem by the Spirit of God ; who [in fim. plicity and godly fincerity, not with flefhiy wifdom, but 6] the (jrflce (Jf God, have had their co~ver[lltion in the world, e[peti1Jily to you-_ ~ards. J 2 Cor. I. 12. Such as [you h11.ve ac'<_now!edged i;g part~ that they are your rejeycing, as yon al(9t~trff'theirs in the day of the L9rd {ef PA. verf. 14. J Not ufing them ~s [uch ao hdve dominion o11er your faith, but as chof~ that by office, qualiftc11tion, ancl Wit· lingnefs anddifpojitirm are Helpers of your 1oy. verf. 2.4. · · In the faithful practiceof thefe Diretlions, you will find that Holincfs is the moft P lea[ant Way; and t:hac the Godly choofe tht 6etttr pArt; and rhac t-he ungodly fenfualifis do liye as BR V T E S , while they unreafonably refufe to hve as 8 A I NT S~ ~J 11 ~ ~ re~N~? [/I :J\( IS. - . .