Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

1 ( t6) :fie is infinite in Wifdom, and therefore hath no pledfure i11 foo'ls.; that brmg him facrifice, and refufe obedience, and k._now mt that 'they do evil, Ecclef. 5· I. and have not the wit w know what ~hey do, and w~om they fpeak to; and to know that which o~ly ·Is worth the knowing: How often do we read him re,je- ~lng thefacrifice of the wicR!d; and ca[l:ing their cofilieil offc.– rmgs in rhei~ faces as things that heabhorreth, when they come .to him ~ithout rha~ lJ~.m.~J~~!foving, and obedient heart, which he requir&h!·P(a1rrt,5~Q'$~. Ifa. 1. 1 I, 12. to ver. 20. Their Qhlatirm.r.are v11in,'tt'iiude of their facrifie i-s to no purpofe, a~d incenfe is an abemination to him; their FeJtfts ~tnd Sabbaths hu foul hatnh, they are a trouble tu him, he cannot bea:r them, ·if .they come without rhe One thing neceffary. Without t~is he careth not for their failings, or formalities, I fa. 58. 5. It IS not tho~fands of rams, or ten thrmfand rivers of oyle, ner the fruit of th.esr llody, ·if they 1fouldgive it for the fin uf their foul, that he ·wtll accept: BJtt he bath fhewed thee 0 man whflt u good: and what doth tbe L ord require of thee., but to do juftly, and love mer– cy? and wal/z h11m6iy with thy (jod? Mic. 6. 7, 8. The eondufion ot the whole matter is this; Fear God and k!ep his comm;tnd· mcnts: for this u the whole duty ofman, Ecclef. I 2. I3. You are never the better beloved of God for beingRich, or honourable in the world, nor yet becaufe you are poor, or in a mean condition,nor be.caufe you are.ftck._ or: well, weak._or flrong, comely or uncomely ; but becaufe you L(}ve him through his Son, and Bc__lieve inhim whom the Fat-her bath fent, John I 6. 27. Without faith it is impvjJible to plell{e God: Heb. I I. 6. The n~w man mull be put on, which u ·renewed in ·!(now/edge, ~tfter the Image of him that cruzted him, where there u neither Gree~, ncr Jew, Barhtr. ri;m, Scythian, bond nor free, but Chrift u at! otnd in All,] Col. 3. 10, I I. [ForinChrift{e[us circumcifi.onavail:th nothing, nor uncireumcijion,but a NewCreature,and Faithth~~t ;:vork.J by Love, and the k.feping of the commands of God, Gal. 5.6. &6.1;. 1Cor.7.19. ... · ' This On.e thing (even Godllnefs which it profitable to all things) is nece.ffary in us, ( fuppofing the neceffaries in Chrifi) to ren– der us acceptable to the Holy God: and without this all the ac· compliihments imaginable, will·make 1:15 but as Josmding brafs ,or as a tinkfing Cymbal, I Cor. 13. r. · 3, On~ thitJg is f!eedfult ~?. ~!1e fa ~_ing of ~ur fouls ; without: which