Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

(IS~ honour and applaufe from men, and try a thoufand wayes ·fe·rr Your content; but when you have -all dene, you mufi_return , by frmnd Repentance into the way of holinejs, or you are loft for :· ever. When you have fiighrcd grace, you mufr give up your . fel~es ro the power of that grace: When ~'?U have fee ligbr by a hfe of holy Love to God , and the frmtlon of him in Glo– ry, you muff make it your treafure and.delight, and yot1r hearcs . · mufl: be upon it, or you are undone: Matth. 6. 2 .1. When . you have made a jeafl: of a Holy life, youmuft come about, and . takeyour Jelves thar courfe that you jeafl:ed ar, though you be . as much jeafled at by others; yea, and make it the principal . bufinefs of your lives, or perifu in hell under the vengeance of the Almighty, wbofe jufhce you provoked, and whofe mercy you neglected : Choofc yon whether, but one of them will be : your part. Even as Saul that was exceeding mad againft Re· l1:evcrs, and perfecuted them even to ftrtmge Cities, Atts 26.– .10, I I. wa~ glad· re> become one of them hirnfelf though he fuffered as much as he had caufed them to f uffer; and acconm- – ed it t:he greatefi mercy of his life,that God vouchafid him fuch ,\ a change, what ever it coil him. - 1V. ~dt But u nothing mceffary hut thu One 1 .Are not : -~thtr things al(o Needful! in their places? Anfw. I tO.t_d you that other things are not other, fo far as :· they Hand in~ fubordination .tothis one, or are the parts of . it : He that faith-to a fick man, [You would do, well. if you , llad-fuch a skilful! man for your Phyficion J doth not by thefe . words intend to exclude his Apothecary,. or his medicines, or the tak,ingof them, or the inftruments and means by whi{~ they · are applyed; but rather inchtdethand implyethall thefe 10 the One thing mentioned to which they do fubfer~~~ _So all Gods graco, and_ all the means of grace, and Cbnfhan_dutirs, .. are contained or implyed in the One thing Ne:ceff~ry, or fup- -. pofed to it. Becaufe it is One thing that is necdfary · as the ErJdr, therefore many means are neceffary o the obtaining of it: Though there be alfo a .kind .ofurJifJ -(as harh been fucwecl ) · among dwfe means. _ · .. ~efl. But are not ,outwllrd things alfo:necef{dry ·: Muft ·me ·· n~t,. b~J!e_ f~od ~t!~ raJ~1~'!_£ £ ~'!_~- '!!~ft. !f!.~ r;_~t ./11_bo11r 11nd P~jVtJ~C t