Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

'( 2/) -~A ·gr~at fiir ·you make in feeking for --prefenhent ~ or ·domi~ , nion over others, or about your lands, your hono~rs or ~our . delights; {o great ti~at your neighbours car~ fcuce l1 ve ,qUJetly :by you; and the Kmgdom cannot be qUlet for fome of yoq._. nor your own confcimcu be quiet 'Within you for the defperate work that you eng;~ge them in, which they knowmu!t be heard of another day: And wl:en all is done, youwill find. you ha v_e been but hunring of a feather : You would fee dus now tf ·God wonl'd open your eyes · by grace: but if yon mifs.of_fo fe:;~.fonable an information, ·you will fee it coo late in the land . of darknefs: When death ·h:ach opened your eyes, and your ·. irnpen1tem fouls do fuddenly awak~ in another world, you will .underfiand that you made all rh is ftir but in your fleep: As · bufily and fcrioufl~' as you acted ct'e parts of Lords and Ladies, . of Gendemen, Tradefm ~ n, or Husbandrncn in the \\':Orld, ifyoa rud not ferioufly and firft CO tbe work of true Believers {or the 'WQrld tfJ corm , you wdl then find t.oo late that your labour ii loft, and all w;;1s acted but as in a dream. Do you believe rhj now. or do you not? If you do, will -youyet go on? If you do not bdieve it, fotw 7IJ( 11ow what you .havegorren by all che fiir chat you have made in the world, t hac will follow you one fiep further then the grave, and that ·you can fay £hall beyour 1wn to morrow ? If you were to die chMi hour, will it be any lafting comfort to you, that you have laboured to be Rith or Honourable, or that you have attained it! or that you had your glue of fenfual delights; and a mer- ,~y life as to the fldhly pleafure as long as it wo~ld.lafi ~ Will you dye the m~re comfortably for ~ny of this? or mwch the lefs f That yet you are alive, isthe great n:ercy of God, and.not tG ·be afcribed to any of thefe : Agd when you ceafe co live, then tl1efe will be your greifand torment. Beloved Hearers, I have· no dc:fire the Lord knows to dif ... ·compofe your minds, ,or to d~fquiet yo-u wirh any rnolefiing un... nec-effary fcruples; nor caufckfly to .difhonour either vou or. your imployments: l3ut I mufi needs fay, that it is a do!efuU · -<~ff, that men in their wirs, fholllld fpend a life of precious t1J?e, and alfo a greac d"al of can: and labour, in doing No .. ~hmg, Md much worfe then Nothing, when they hav~ a work or ~ve~lafiing (:Onfequence to do, and they know that the De– vils chtefdl hop~s do con[l~ in the fucceb of theft dif!erfionJ-! E z. - . 'I