( 3 I ; ) mirth, and honoar: ·but you{hall reap i.ncorrupti,jn,lamentation . and woe. Gal. 6. 7 .. 8. For woe toY'u th>~t now laHf.h,foryo~foall · mourn ~tnJ Werp .: Woe toyou that ~tre ri,·h (and have no better, biut want the everlafl:ing riches ) , furpH have received your_ eo~- folation ~ lVoe toyo1Nhat ~tre full; (and yet are empty of Chnfl: and gr<lCe) .foryou foall hunger', Lu~ 6 . 24, 25. Tb~fe are the·· words ·, of Chrifi himfelf ,; and therefore t (ue if Chriil: be · true. Yea.more then this, let me have ·leave to tell you , (for why · fhou~d I not tell you of your great eft folly , and th:tt wl11ch is 11ecelfarY'for you to know?) As long as you n-:glec1: ·the One · thing mcef{!l r)', you are acting the pl rt of the moft :de~dly ene .. miu ttgainfi your felves . No e;' my th<t ~ ) 10U have m all the · world, could do that againfi you, as you do againfi your fdres• . You abborr the Dev il ; and I blame you nor; for his malice :md enmity deferverh it : Bm you do much t~.· orfe ag:1ir.ft your felves · tht>n the Devil himfe!f could ever do • .. To tempt you to fin is not f() much as to co·njrnt t oit and comrnit it·• .He can but entice )ou; . and not con{lr.J.inyou :his yvtJ thar a re rhe negl~ct~rs of your Maker and Redeemer , and (he wilful rejecte rs of your own fe- - licity : Satan cloth bad enough againJl: you by temptarion ; but you doworfe byyidding and jin r:ing ·; mu ch worfe then all rhe De vils in bell could do ll gair.filyou. f or G oJ hath nor givt:n all · of tbem fo much power over you , as he hath given youover ,· your felvt'S. · Lord, what adiflraded cafe is rheung(;d\y world in ! They · .bte any man elfe that they do but imagine is their enemy ! :' ] h: ugbhedo bt1t diminiflubeir worldly Wi! alth or honour, they cannot forgive him : :If a man give one of lhcm a box on the ear, be c?yfi11Dt bear it ; .And as for the Devil, who is the common enemy, they fp it at his narr.e~ and (rh ink t 11ey ) bleL' rhemfdvc» , fromhim~ ArJd y~t tbefe fame men d~ fpend a!l thei r care, ttnd t ime, and .la~tmr, in doing more 3gai nfi themfelves, tb ~ n all thei r · enemies could do in earrh ·or hell : and ·are w·orfc thh:~ Devils td themfelvts; and yet they never fP~Il out with thcmfe/1Jes for ir ; . bm can forgive themfelves as ca{ily as if they d:d tbemfelves ·no · har.m. · This is true, ~oo true Sirs,.as hadh'asit·feemeth to 'your cars· . :A'?d if ·it difpleafe you to hecll of it, berh!nk ·your fdv ~~ w!.a; xr.1s.t0do .it ~ .and how..God and .all wif~ mtn n~uft .jt;d g~ of -y ou : ... __ .. -· ·- .. -' ' l t ~a~·'