Baxter - BT767 B28 1662

( r4g .j thenyou havedone,I hope yot1 will confcfs I do but what is need...· .full both for you and me, and what you have no reafon to cor:– tradict. Come then, for the Lorcls fake , and let us treat pracb– ,tally and. fucc;fsfully aLout .{o great a bufinef~; and make fomething of tt berore we leave 1t; and end not ttll we amend what: we find amifs. What courfe then will you take for the time w come? Will you go on to tronble your fdvcs about Jvfany thiP.g.s:, andmgkct the One thin,~ needful as you have done ? Dare yeu ·harbour fuch a purpofe? Or dare y9u fiifle th~e thot~ghts and - motions that.would tend to better par.pofes ? Or may I not hope that the Light hath fhamed yotJr.fleepmefs and works of dark– nefs , and rhat you are grievedat the heart forthe fiaful negli– gence of heart and life , and refol ved now to be new men ? For Gods fake Refolve., Sirs. What will you do? Waver not, but Re~ .folve: Its more thena thot~fand live.s that lye rh on your Refolu– tion ~ I come to you this day as the Minifier of the great Pafior of the flock, that fpake thefe words, not only to acquaint you, if you know not, or ro remember you if you know, that One thing i5 needful; but alfo with authority eo command you in his name, eo Value it, to Love it, to Choofe i r, to feek it, and labour for it as the Om thing neeJ.juJ. What fay you, will you or will you -not? This enfpeakable mercy I offer you from the Lord ~ He is willing to put up at your hands, all that is pafi, an~ to lay all your ·fins on the fcore of Chrifi, and freely to forgive you through the venue of his blood , if you will now at lait be think you better, and come to Chrill, and live as men that know what they have: to .do : If you will but fee your former folly , and heartily bewail .it,and fee your hearts on the One thing needful, he will encourage you, and help you, and bid you welcome , and number you with his fons, though you have lived as his enemies. Though you have lived like Swine and Serpents , he will put you into his boforn, i£ you will but be waihed and changed by his grace. Though you· have fet more by your worldly riches then by his glory, and have fer more by the favour of mortal man 'then by his favour' and thot~gh you have fer more by your bellies, and your brutifhplea– fures, and litrle toyes, then you have done by everlaHing life, he: will yet be merciful ro you, and put up all thefe indignities at youe hands, and take you into his dearefl: love, if you will but NQ~ become new creatures , and give your hearts to him that made them , and fe.c~ ~~~f~rg ~ha~ ~~worth th~ finding, and lofe not . H --· · - -- 1 ue