Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

134 HOW TO DISCERN OUR TITLE arrive at certainty. Were he not a foolish traveller, that would hold on his way, when he does not know whether he be right or wrong? and say, " I hope I am right ; I will go on, and trust in God ?" Art thou not guilty of this folly in thy travels to eternity ? Not considering that a little serious inquiry, whether thy way be right, might save thee a great deal of labour, which thou bestowest in vain, and must undo again, or else thou wilt miss of salvation, and undo thyself: § 2. How canst thou think or speak of the great God without terror, as long as thou art uncertain whether he be thy father, or thy enemy, and knowest not but all his perfections may be employed against thee? or, of Jesus Christ, when thou knowest not whether his blood hath purged thy soul ; whether he will condemn or accquit thee in judgment ; or whe- ther he be the foundation of thy happiness, or a stone of stumbling to break thee and grind thee to powder? How canst thou open the Bible, and read a chapter, but. it should terrify thee ? Methinks every leaf should be to thee as Belshazzar's writing on the wall, except only that which draws thee to try and reform. If thou readest the promises, thou knowest not whether they shall be fulfilled to thee. If thou readest the threatenings, for any thing thou knowest thou readest thy own sentence. No wonder thou art an enemy to plain preaching, and say of the minister, as Ahab of the prophet, I hate him, for he doth not prophesy good concerning me, but evil. How canst thou without terror join in prayer? When thou re- ceivest the sacrament, thou knowest . not whether it be thy bane or bliss. What comfort canst thou find' in 'thy friends, and honours, and houses, and lands, till thou knowest thou hast the love of God with them, and shalt have rest with him when thou leavest them. Offer a prisoner, before he knows his sentence either music, or clothes, or preferment ; what are they to him, till he knows he shall escape with his life? for if he knows he must die the next day, it will be small comfort to die rich or honourable. Methinks