Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

170 THE DUTY OF GOD'S PEOPLE they, or sister, or husband, or wife, or near friend; besides that the bond of friendship engageth you to more kindness and compassion than ordinary. § 16. Physicians, that are much about dying men, should in a special manner make conscience of this duty. It is their peculiar advantage, that they are at hand; that they are with men in sickness and dangers, when the ear is more open, and the heart less stubborn, than in time of health ; and that men look upon their physician as a person in whose hands their life, or at least who may do much to save them, and therefore they will the more regard his advice. You that are of this honourable profession, do not think this a work besides your calling, as if it belonged to none but ministers ; except you think it besides your calling to be compassionate, or to be Christians. O help therefore to fit your patients for heaven ! And whether you see they are for life or death, teach them both how to live and die, and give them some physic for their souls, as you do for their bodies. Blessed be God, that very many of the chief physicians of this age have, by their eminent piety, vindicated their profession from the common imputa- tion of atheism and profaneness. § 17. Men of wealth and authority, and that have many dependants, have excellent advantages for this duty. O what a world of good might lords and gen- tlemen do, if they had but hearts to improve, their in- fluence over others ! Have you not all your honour and riches from God ? Doth not Christ say, Unto whomsoever much is given, of him much shall be re- quired ? If you speak to your dependants for God and their souls, you may be regarded, when even a minister shall be despised. As you value the honour of God, your own comfort, and the salvation of souls, improve your influence over your tenants and neigh- bours : visit their houses ; see whether they worship God in their families ; and take all opportunities to press them to their duty. Despise them not. Re- member, God is no respecter of persons. Let men