176 THE SAINT'S REST IS NOT To these ends get them bibles and pious books, and see that they read them. Examine them often what they learn ; especially spend the Lord's day in this work, and suffer them not to spend it in sports and idleness. Shew them the meaning of what they read or learn. Keep them out of evil company, and acquaint them with the godly. And fail not to make them learn their catechism. Especially shew them the necessity, excellency, and pleasure, of serving God ; and labour to fix all upon their hearts. CHAPTEP. X. The Saint's Rest is not to be expected on Earth. § 1. In order to show the sin and folly of expecting rest here, 2. (I. the reasonableness of present afflictions is considered; 3. (1) that they are the way to rest, § 4. (2) keep us from mistaking our rest, § 5. (3) from losing our way to it, § 6. (4) quicken our pace towards it, § 7. (5) chiefly incommode our flesh, § 8. 9, and (6) under them the sweetest foretastes of rest are often enjoyed. § 10. (II.) How unreasonable to rest in present enjoyments : § 11. (1) that it is idolatry ; § 12. (2) that it contradicts God's end in giving them ; § 13. (3) is the way to have them refused, withdrawn, or imbittered ; § 14. (4) that to be suffered to take up our rest here is the greatest curse; § 15. (5) that it is seeking rest where it is not: § 16. (6) that the creatures, without God, would aggravate our mi- sery ; § 17. (7) and all this is confirmed by experience. § 18. The author laments that this is nevertheless a most common sin. § 19 - - -23. (III.) How unreasonable our unwillingness to die, and possess the saint's rest, is largely considered. § 24. The author apologizes for saying so much on this last head. § 1. WE are not yet come to our resting place. Doth it remain ? How great then is our sin and folly to seek and expect it here. Where shall we find the Christian that deserves not this reproof? We would all have continual prosperity, because it is easy and pleasing to the flesh ; but we consider not the unreasonableness, of such desires. And when