Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

198 IMPORTANCE OF iEADING A ing death. It is a wonder rather that they fear it no more and spend not their days in continual horror. ----- CHAPTER XI. The Importance of leading a heavenly Life on Earth. §i The reasonableness of delighting in the thoughts of the saint's rest. § 2. Christians exhorted to it, by considering, 3. (1) it will evidence their sincere piety; § 4. (2) it is the -hhighest excellence of the Çhristian temper ; § 5. (3) it leads to the most comfortable life ; § 6 - - -9. (4) it will be the best preserva- tive from temptations 'Di' sin ; § 10. (5) it will invigorate their graces and duties ; § 11. (6) it will be their best cordial in all afflictions ; § 12. (7) it will render them most profitable to others ; §' 13. (8) it will honour God : § 14. (9) without it, we disobey the commands, and lose the mòst gracious and de- lightful discoveries, of the word of God: § 15. (10) it is the more reasonable to have our hearts with God, as he is so much on us; § 16, 17. and (11) in heaven, where we have so . much interest and relation; § 18. (12) besides, there is nothing but heaven worth setting our heart upon. § 19. Transition to the subject of the next chapter. § 1. IS there such a rest remaining for us ? Why then are our hearts no more upon it? Why are not our hearts continually there? Why dwell we not there. in constant comtemplation ? What is the cause of this neglect? Ire we reasonable in this, or are we not? Hath the eternal God provided us such a glory, and pro- mised to take us to dwell with himself, and is not this worth thinking on ? Should not the strongest desires of our hearts be after it ? Do we believe this, and yet for- get and neglect it ! If God will not give us leave to ap- proach this light ; what mean all his earnest invitations? Why loth he so condemn our earthly- mindedness, and command us to set our affections on things above'! Ah ! vile hearts ! If God were against it, we were likelier to be for it ; but when he commands our hearts to heaven, then they will not stir one inch. Like our predecessors, the sinful Israelites, when God would have them march for Canaan, then they mutiny, and will not stir ; but