Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

HEAVENLY LIFE UPON EARTH. 201 3. (1) Consider, a heart set upon heaven will be one of the most unquestionable evidences of your sin- cerity, and a clear discovery of a true work of saving grace upon your souls. You are often asking, How shall we know that we are truly sanctified? Here you have a sign infallible from the mouth of. Jesus Christ himself; ° Where your treasure is, there will your hearts . be also.'(c) God is the saint's treasure and happiness; heaven is the place where they must fully enjoy him. A heart therefore set upon heaven, is no more but a heart set upon God : and surely a heart set upon God through Christ, is the truest evidence of saving grace. When learning will be no proof of grace ; when knowledge, duties, gift, will fail ; when arguments from thy tongue or hand may be confuted yet then will this from the bent of thy heart, prove thee sincere. Take a poor Christian, of a weak understanding, a feeble memory, a stammering tongue; yet his heart is set on God, he hath chosen him for his portion, his thoughts are on eternity, his desires are there, he cries out, Oh that I were there.! He takes that day fora time of imprisonment, in which he bath not had one refreshing view of eter- nity. I had rather die in this man's condition, than in the case of him who hath the most eminent gifts, and is most admired for his performances, while his heart is not thus taken up with God. The man that Christ will find out at the last day, and condemn for want of a wedding - garment, will be one that wants this frame of heart. The question will not then be, How much have you known, or professed, or talked ? but how much have you loved, and where was your heart? Christians, as you would have a proof of your title to glory, labour to get your hearts above. If sin and Satan keep not your affections from thence, they will never be able to keep away your persons. § 4. (2) A heart in heaven is the highest excellence of your Christian temper. As there is a common ex- cellence, by which Christians differ from the world; so there is this peculiar dignity of spirit, by which the (c) Matt. vi. 2L 7 C c