202 .IMPORTANCE OF LEADING A more excellent differ from the rest. . As the noblest of creatures, so the noblest of Christians, are they whose faces are set most direct for heaven. Such a heavenly saint, who hath been wrapt up to God in his contemplations, and is newly come down from the views of Christ, what discoveries will he make of those superior. regions ! how high and sacred is his dis- course ! enough to: convince an understanding hearer. that he hath seen the Lord, and that no man could speak such words, except he had been with God, This this is the noble Christians. The most famous mountains and trees are those that reach nearest to . heaven, and he is the choicest Christian whose heart is most frequently and most delightfully there. If a man have lived near the king, or bath seen the sultan of Persia, or the great Turk, he will be thought a step higher than his neighbours. What then shall we júdge' of him who daily travels as far as heaven, and there hath seen the Ping of kings, bath frequent admittance into the divine presence, and feasteth his soul upon the tree of life? For my part, I value this man before the noblest, the richest, the most learned in the world. 5. (3) A heavenly mind is the nearest and truest way to a life of comfort. The countries far north are cold and frozen, because they are distant from the sun. What makes such frozen. uncomfortable Christians; but their living so far from heaven? And what makes others so warm in comforts, but their living higher, and having,nearer access to ,God? When the sun in the spring draws nearer to our part of the earth, how do all things congratulate its approach ! The earth looks green, the trees shoot forth, the plants revive, the birds sing, and all things smile upon us. If we would but-try this life with God, and keep these hearts above,. what a spring of joy would be within us ! How should we forget our winter sorrows ! How early should we rise to sing the praises of our great Creator ! O Christians, get above. Those that have been there, have found it warmer; . and I doubt not but thou hast sometime tried it thyself. When have you largest comforts ? Is it not