Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

THE SAINT'S REST. 17 must strive if we will enter, for many will seek to en- ter in, and shall not be able :(1) which implies, that the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence.(g) Nor will it bring us to the end of the saints, if we begin in the spirit and end in the flesh" h) He only that endureth to the end shall be saved.(i) And never did a soul obtain rest with -God, whose desire was not set upon him above all things else in the world. ' Where your trea- sure is, there will your heart be also.(k) The remain- der of our old nature will much weaken and interrupt these desires, but never overcome them. And consi- dering the opposition to our desires, from the contrary principles in our nature, and from the weakness of our graces, together with our continued distance from the end, our tendency to that end must be laborious, and with all our might. All these things are presup- posed, in order to a Christian's obtaining an interest in heavenly rest. 1 4. Now we have ascended these steps into the outward court, may we look within the veil ? May we show what this rest contains, as well as what it presupposes ?Alas, how little know I of that glory ! The glimpse which Paul had, contained what could not, or must not., be uttered. Had he spoke the things of heaven in the language of heaven, and none un- derstood that language, what the better ? The Lord reveal to me what I may reveal to you! The Lord open some light, and shew both you and me our in- heritance ! Not as to Balaarn only, whose eyes were open to see the goodliness of Jacob's tents, and Israel's tabernacles, where he had no portion, and from whence must come his own destruction ! not as to Moses, who had only a discovery, instead of posses- sion, and saw the land which he never entered ! But as the pearl was revealed to the merchant in the Gos- pel, who rested not till he had sold all he had, and bought it ! And as heaven was opened to blessed Stephen, which he was shortly to enter, and the glory (f) Luke xii. 24. (g) Matt. xi. 12. (h) Gal, iii. 3. (i) Matt. xxiv.13. (k) Matt. vi. 21 1 C