212 IMPORTANCE OF LEADING A when thou art drooping, and comfort thee with .tht comfort wherewith he himself bath been so often corn- forted of God ! This is he that will always be blowing at the spark of thy spiritual life, and drawing thy soul to God, and will say-to thee, as the Samaritan woman, Come and see one that bath told me all that ever I did ;" one that hath loved our souls to the death. Is not this the Christ ? Is not the knowledge of God and him eternal life? Is it not the glory of the saints to see his glory ? Come to this man's house and sit at his table, and he will feast thy soul with the dainties of heaven ; travel with him by the way, and be will di- rect and quicken thee in thy journey to heaven ; trade with him in the world, and he will counsel thee' to buy the pearl of great price. If thou wrong him, he can pardon thee, remembering that Christ bath pardoned - his greater offences ; if thou be angry, he is meek, consi- dering the meekness of his heavenly Pattern ;. or if he fall out with you, he is soon reconciled, when he re- collects that in heaven you must be everlasting friends. This is the Christian of the right stamp, and all about him are better for him. How unprofitable is the so- ciety of all other sorts of Christians in comparison with. this ! If a man should come from heaven, how would Men long to hear what reports he would make of the other world, and what he had seen, and what the blessed there enjoy ! Would they not think this man the best companion, and his discourses the most pro- fitable ? Why then do you value the company of saints no more, and inquire po more of them, and relish their discourse no better ? For every saint shall go to heaven in person, and is frequently there in spirit, and bath often viewed it in the glass of the gospel. For my part, I had rather have the company of a hea- venly - minded Christian, than of the most learned dis- putants, or princely commanders. § 13. 0i) No man so highly honoureth God as he whose conversation is in heaven. Is not a parent dis- graced, when his children feed on husks, are clothed in rags, and keep' company with none but rogues and beggars? Is it not so to our heavenly Father, when