HEAVENLY LIFE UPON EARTH. 221 in thy sin, and in the taste of glory ; and have a con- versation in heaven, though thou cherish thy corrup- tion. And take heed lest it banish thee from heaven, as it does thy heart. And though thou be not guilty, and knowest no reigning sin in thy soul, think what a sad thing it would be, if ever this should prove thy case. Watch, therefore ; especially resolve to keep from the occasions of sin, and out of the way of temp- tations. What need have we daily to pray, Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil ! 3. (2) An earthly mind is another hinderance care- fully to be avoided. God and mammon, earth and hea- ven, cannot both have the delight of thy heart. When the heavenly believer is blessing himself in his God, and rejoicing in hope of the glory to come ; perhaps thou art blessing thyself in thy worldly prosperity, and rejoic- ing in hope of thy thriving here. When he is comfort- ing his soul in the views of Christ, of angels and saints, whom he shall live with for ever, then thou art com- forting thyself with thy wealth, in looking over thy bills and bonds, thy goods, thy cattle, Or thy buildings, and in thinking of the favour of the great, or the plea- sure of a plentiful estate, of larger provision for thy children after thee, of the advancement of thy family, or the increase of thy dependents. If Christ pronounced him a fool, that said, Soul, take thy ease, thou hast enough laid up for many years ; how much more so art. thou, who knowingly speakest in thy heart the same words ! 'Tell me, what difference between this fool's expressions and thy affections? Remember, thou hast to do with the Searcher of hearts. Certainly, so much as thou delightest, and takest up thy rest on earth, so much of thy delight in -God is abated. Thine earthly mind may consist with thy outward profession and com- mon duties ; but it cannot consist with this heavenly duty. Thou thyself knowest how seldom and cold, how cursory and reserved, thy thoughts have been of the joys above, ever since thou didst trade so eagerly for the world. O the cursed madness of many that seem to be religious ! They thrust themselves intoamultitude