CONTEMPLATION CONSIDERED. 253 absent, yet this duty above all I am sure thou canst not. When thou shalt go into the mount of contemplation, thou wilt be like the covetous man at the heap of gold, who, when he might take as much as he could, la- mented that he was able to carry no more ; so thou wilt find so much of God and glory as thy narrow heart is able to contain, and almost hinder thy full possession, but the incapacity of thy own spirit. Then thou wilt'' think, " O that this understanding, and these affections could contain more ! It is more my unfitness than any thing else, that even this place is not my heaven. God is in this place, and I know it not. This mountain is full of chariots of fire, but mine eyes are shut, and I cannot see them. O the words of love Christ bath to speak, and wonders of love he bath to show, but I cannot bear them yet ! Heaven is ready for me, but my heart is unready for heaven." Therefore, Reader, seeing thy enjoyment of God in this contemplation much depends on the ca- pacity and disposition of thy heart, seek him here, if ever, with all thy soul. Thrust not Christ into the stable and the manger, as if thou hadst better guests for the chief rooms. Say to all thÿ worldly business and thoughts, as Christ to his disciples, Sit ye here, while I go and pray yonder. Or as Abraham to his servants when he went to offer Isaac, Abide, ye here, and I will go yonder and worship, and corné again to you. Even as the priests thrust king TTzziah out of the temple .when he presumed to burn incense, when they saw the leprosy upon him ; so do thou thrust those thoughts from the temple of thy heart, which have the badge of God's prohibition upon them. § 21. (2) Be sure to set upon this work with the greatest solemnity of heart and mind. There is no tri- fling in holy things. God will be saneted in them that come nigh hím.(m) These spiritual, excellent, soul - raising duties, are, if well used, most profitable; -but when used unfaithfully, most dangerous. Labour, therefore, to have the deepest apprehensions of the presence of God, and his incomprehensible greatness. If queen Esther (m) Lev. x. 3.