Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

29f AN EXAMPLE OF from thence sends forth lively spirits, which beat through all the pulses of the soul ! Rest, not as the stone that rests on the earth, nor as this flesh shall rest in the grave, nor such a rest as the carnal world desires. O blessed rest! when we rest not day and night saying, Poly, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty ! When we shall rest from sin, but not from worship ; from suffering and sorrow, but not from joy ! O blessed day ! When I shall rest with God ! When I shall rest in the bosom of my Lord ! When I shall rest in knowing, loving, re- joicing, and praising ! When my perfect soul and body shall together perfectly enjoy the most perfect God! When God, who is love itself, shall perfectly love me, and rest in his love to me, as I shall rest in my love to him and rejoice over me with joy, and joy over me with singing, as I shall rejoice in him ! 3. " How near is that most blessed, joyful day ! It comes apace. He that shall come will come, and will not tarry. 'Though my Lord seems to delay his coming, yet a little while and he will be here. What is a few hundred years, when they are over? How surely will his sign appear ! How suddenly will he seize upon the careless world, even as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth unto the west ! He who is gone hence shall so come. Methinks I hear his trumpet sound ! Methinks I see him coming in clouds, with his attending angels, in majesty and in glory. 4. " O secure sinners ! what now will you do ? where will you hide yourselves? what shall cover you? Mountains are gone ; the heavens and the earth which were, are passed away ; the devouring fire bath con sumed all, except yourselves, who must be the fuel for ever. O that you could consume as soon as the earth, and melt away as did the heavens ! Ah, these wishes are now but vain ! The Lamb himself would have been your friend ; he would have loved you, and ruled you, and now have saved you ; but you would not then, and now it is too late. Never cry, Lord, Lord, too late, too late man. Why dost thou look about? Can any save thee ? Whither dost thou run ? Can any hide thee? O wretch, that has brought thyself to this !