Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

HEAVENLY MEDITATION. 805 day and work and life as this, with such low and feeble joys ! But my future enjoyments will be more lively, § 16. " How delightful is it to me to behold and study these inferior works of creation ! What a beautiful fa- bric do we here dwell in ! the floor so dressed with herbs, and flowers, and trees, and watered with springs and rivers ! the roof so widely expanded, and admirably adorned ! What wonders do sun, moon, and stars, seas, and winds, contain ! And bath God prepared such a house for corruptible flesh, for a soul imprisoned? and doth he bestow so many millions of wonders upon his enemies? O what a dwelling must that be which he prepares for his dearly beloved children ; and how will the glory of the New Jerusalem exceed all the present glory of the creatures ! Arise, then, O my soul, in thy contemplation ; and let thy thoughts of that glory as far exceed in sweetness thy thoughts of the excellencies below. Fear not to go Out of this body, and this world, when thou must make so happy a change; but say, as one did when he was dying, " I am glad, and even leap for joy, that the time is come. in which that mighty Jehovah, whose majesty in my search-of nature I have admired, whose goodness I have adored, whom by faith l have desired and panted after, will now show himself to me face to face." § 17. " How wonderful also are the works of Provi- dence ! How delightful to see the great God interest himself in the safety and advancement of a few hum- ble, praying, but despised persons ; and to review those special mercies with which my own life hath been adorned and sweetened ! How often have my prayers been heard, my tears regarded, my trou- bled soul relieved ! How often hath my Lord bid me be of good cheer ! What a support are these experi- ences, these clear testimonies of my Father's love, to my fearful unbelieving heart ! O then what a blessed day will that be, when I shall have allmercy, perfection of mercy, and fully enjoy the Lord of mercy ; when I shall stand on the shore, and look back on the raging seas I have safely passed ; when I shall review my pains 10 Qq