Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

tá PREFACE. fess that they are sinners ; and this they take for true' repentance, when sin was never mortified in their souls, nor their hearts ever brought to hate it, and forsake it. But when they have had the profit and pleasure of sin, they are sorry for the danger : but never regenerated and made new creatures by the Spirit of Christ. Hence also it is, that we have such abun- dance of Mere opinionists, that take themselves for re- ligious people. Because they have changed their opinions, and their parties, and can prate contentiously against those that are not of their mind; and joining themselves with those that seem to be the strictest, they take themselves to be truly sanctified : and this makes such gadding from one opinion to ano- ther, and such censuring., reviling, and divisions, upon, the account; because their religion is most in their. opinions, and bath not mortified their carnal selfish inclination s and passions, nor brought them to a holy heavenly. mind. Hence also it is that we have so many sensual scandalous professors, that seem to be religious, b-ut _ bridle not their tongue, their appetites, or their lusts ;. but are sailers, or backbiters, or tip - 1ers, or gluttons, or filthy and lascivious, or some way scandalous to their holy profession ; because they are strangers to a thorough conversion, but take up with the counterfeit of a superficial change. Hence also. We have so many worldings, that think them- selves religious men ; that make Christ but a servant to their worldly interests, and seek heaven but for a reserve, when earth forsakes them ;: and have some- thing in this world that is so dear to them, that they cannot forsake it for the hopes of glory ; but give up themselves to Christ, with secret receptions and re serves, for their prosperity in the world : and all be- cause they never knew a sound conversion, which should have tooted off their hearts this worldly in- terest, and delivered them up' entirely and absolutely to Christ. Hence also it is that we have so few pro- fessors that can lay by their pride, and bear disesteem or injury, and love their enemies, and bless them that curse them, yea, or love their godly friends that cross