Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

ri {I 324 PREFACE. ligence to make your calling and election sure. And trust not your hearts too easily, or too confidently. But turn to the Lord with all your hearts. Cleave to him résolvedly, or with purpose of heart. And see that you sell all, and buy the pearl. And stick not at the price, but absolutely resign yourselves to Christ, and turn to him, as Zaccheus and other primitive converts did, surrendering all that you have unto his will. Leave not any root of bitterness behind ; make no excep- tions or reserves, but deny yourselves ; forsake all, and follow him that hath led you this self-denying way ; and trust to his blood, and merits, and promise, for a treasure in heaven -and then you are his disciples and true christians indeed. Reader, if thou heartily make this covenant, and keep it, thou shalt find that Christ will not deceive thee, when the world deceiveth them that choose it, in their greatest extremity. But if thou draw back, and think these terms too hard, remember that everlasting life was offered thee, and remember why and for what thou didst reject it. And if in this life -time thou wilt have thy good things, expect to be tormented, when the believing, self - denying souls, are comforted. R. BAXTER