Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

328 DIRECTIONS AND PERSUASIONS denying and accusing it, will but hasten it. If it were not so, a hundred would bring their reasons against the law, for one that would bring his reason to the law ; and men would rather choose to give their reasons why they should not be punished, than to hear the com- mands and reasons of their governors, which require theñi to obey. The law was not made for you to judge, but that you might be ruled and judged by it. But if there be any so blind as to question either the truth or the justice of the law of God, I shall briefly give you evidence of both. And, first, If you doubt whether this be the word of God or not, besides a hundred other texts, you may be satisfied by these few: "Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven. "(b) "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. "(c) "If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature ; old things are past away ; behold, . all things are become new. "(d) "Without holiness no man shall see. God, "(e) "They that are in the flesh cannot please God. Now if any man bath not the Spi- rit of Christ, he is none of his. "(f) " The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. "(g) " The Lord trieth the righteous, but the wicked his soul hateth."(h) I need not add any more of that multitude which speak the like : if thou be a man that believest the word of God, here is already enough to satisfy thee, that the wicked must be converted or condemned. You must either confess that this is true, or say plainly, you will not believe the word of God. And if once you be come to that pass, it is likely you will not be long out of hell. But if you tell God plainly you will not believe him, blame him not if he never warn you more : for to what purpose should he warn you, if you will not believe him ? Should he send an angel from heaven to you, it seems you would not believe. For an angel can speak but the word of God : and if an angel should (b) Matt. xviii. 3. (c) John iii. 3. (d) 2 Cor. v. 17. (e) Heb. xii, 14. (f) Rom. viii. 8, 9. (g) Psal. ix. 17. (h) Psal. xi. 5.