Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

TO A SOUND CONVERSION. 331 USE. I BESEECH you now, all that love your souls, that in- stead of quarrelling with God and his word, you will presently stoop to it, and use it for your good. You must ere long be converted or condemned ; there is no other way, but turn or die. linen God, who cannot lie, has told you this, when you hear it from the Maker and Judge of the world ; it is time for him that has ears, to hear. By this time you may see what you have to trust to. You are but dead and damned men, except you will be converted. Should I tell you otherwise, I should deceive you with a lie. Should I hide this from you, I should undo you, and be guilty of your blood. You see then, though this be a rough unwelcome doer trine, it is such as we must preach, and you must hear. It is easier to hear of hell than feel it. Hell would not be so full, if people were but willing to know their case, and to hear and think of it. The reason why so few escape it, is, because they strive not to enter in at the strait gate of conversion, and to go the narrow way of holiness, while they have time: and they strive not, because they are not awakened to a lively feeling of the danger that they are in ; and they are not awakened, because they are loth to hear or think of it : and that is partly through foolish tenderness, and carnal self - love; and partly because they do not well believe the word that- threatens it. If you will not thoroughly believe this truth, methinks the weight of it should force you to remember it ; and it should follow you, and give you no rest, till you were converted. If you had but once heard this wort, by the voice of an angel, Thou must be converted dY condemned : turn or die :' would it not fasten on your mind, and haunt you night and day? so that in your sinning you would remember it ; as if the voice were still in your ears, Turn or die ! O happy were your soul, if it might thus work upon you, and never be forgotten, or let you alone, till it have driven home' your hearts to God. But if you will cast it out by forgetfulness, or unbelief, how can