Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

r 338 DIRECTIONS AND PERSUASIONS the healing means by which he should be recovered. He never resigns up his soul to Christ, and to the mo- tions and conduct of his word and Spirit. On the contrary, the converted soul, having felt him- self undone by sin, and perceiving that he has lost his peace with God, and hopes of heaven, and is in danger of everlasting misery, does thankfully entertain the tid- ings of redemption ; and believing in the Lord Jesus as his only Saviour, resigns up himself to him for wis- dom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. He takes Christ as the life of his soul, and lives by him, and uses him as a salve for every sore, admiring the wisdom and love of God in this wonderful work of man's redemption. In a word, Christ does even dwell in his heart by faith, and the life which he now lives is by faith in the Son of God, who has loved him, and given himself for him. Yea, it is not so much he that lives as Christ in him. You see now, who are the wicked, and who are the converted. Ignorant people think, that if a man be no swearer, or curser, or railer, or drunkard or.fornica- tor, orextortioner, nor wrong any body in his dealings, and if he go to church, and say his prayers, he cannot be a wicked man. Or if a man who has been guilty of drunkenness, swearing, or the like vices, do but forbear them, they think that this is a converted man. Others think, if a man who has been an enemy and scorner of religion, do but approve it, and join himself with good men, and be hated for it by the wicked, this must needs be a converted man. And some are so foolish as to think they are converted, by taking up some new opi- nion ; or by falling into some party, as Anabaptists, Quakers, Papists, or such like. And some think, if they have been affrighted by the fears of hell, and thereupon have proposed and promised amendment, and taken up a life of civil behaviour and outward religion, this must needs be true conversion. And these are the poor deluded souls that are like to lose the benefit of all our persuasions : and when they hear that the wicked must turn or die, they think that this is not spoken to them ; for they are not wicked, but