Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

TO A ROUND CONV'ERSION. 343 who offered himself with pardon and life to my soul? Do I hate my former sinful life, and the remnant of every sin that is in me ? Do I fly from them as my deadly enemies? Do I give up myself to a life of holi- ness ? Do I love it and delight in it? Can I truely say that I am dead to the world, and that I live for God, and the glory which he bath promised ? Has heaven more of my estimation than earth? And is God the dearest and highest in my soul? Once, I am sure, I lived principally to the world and the flesh, and God had nothing but some heartless services, which the world could spare, and which were the leavings of the flesh. Is my heart now turned another way? Have I a new design, and a new end, and a new train of holy affections? Have I set my hopes and heart on heaven? And is it the design of my heart and life, to get well to heaven, and see the glorious face of God, and live in his everlasting love and praise? Do I conquer all gross sins, and am I weary, and willing to be rid of mine infirmities ? This is the state of a converted soul. And thus it must be with me, or I must perish. Is it thus with me indeed, or is it not? It is time to get this doubt resolved before the dreadful Judge resolve it. I am not such a stranger to my own heart and life, but I may perceive whether I am thus converted or not; if I be not, it will do me no good to flatter my soul with false hopes. I am resolved no more to deceive myself, but endeavour to know truly, whether I am converted; that if I be, I may rejoice in it, and glorify my gracious Lord, and comfortably go on till I reach the crown ; but if I be not, I may beg and seek after the grace that will convert me, and turn without any more de- lay; for if I find in time that I am out of the way, by the help of Christ I may turn and be recovered; but if I stay till either my heart be forsaken of God in blindness - and hardness, or till I be caught away by death, it is then too late. There is no place for re- pentance and conversion then: I know it must be now or never. Sirs, this is my request to you, that you will but take your hearts to task, and thus examine them till