Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

350 DIRECTIONS AND PERSUASIONS DOCTRINE Ill. God takes pleasure in men's conversion, and salvation but not in their death and damnation : he had rather they would turn and live, than go on and die, FOR the proof of this point, I shall be very brief, because I suppose you believe it already. 1. The gracious nature of God has proclaimed and frequently assured yon" of this ; that he has no plea- sure in your death. 2, If God had more pleasure in thy death, than in thy conversion and life; he would not have so frequent- ly commanded thee in his word to turn ; he would not have made thee such promises of life, if thou wilt: turn ; would not have persuaded thee to it by so many rea- sons. The tenor of his. gospel proves the point. 3, And his commission, which' he has given to the ministers of the gospel, does fully prove it. If God had taken more pleasure in thy. damnation, than in thy conversion and salvation, he would never have charg- ed us'to offer you mercy, and to teach you the way of life, both publicly and privately ; and to entreat, and beseech you to turn and live : to acquaint you with your sins, and tell you of your danger ; and to do all that possibly we can for your conversion, and to con- tinue patiently so doing, though von should hate or abuse us for our pains. Would God have done this, if he had taken pleasure: in your death ? 4. It is proved also by the course of his providence, If God had rather you were damned, than saved, he would not second his word with his works, and entice you'by his daily kindness, and give you all the mercies" of this life, which are means to lead you to repentance, (h) and bring you so often under his rod, to force yoù into your wits ; he Would not set so many examples before your eyes, no, nor wait on you so. patiently as he does from day to days and year to year. These are (h) Rom. ii. 4.