Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

TO A SOUND CONVERSION. 357 DOCTRINE V. So earnest is God fir the conversion of sinners, that, he doubles his commands and exhortations with ve hemency. -Turn ye, turn ye ; why will you die? Is there ever an unconverted sinner that hears these vehement words of God? Is there ever a man or woman that is yet a stranger to the renewing sancti- fying work, of the holy Ghost? Hearken then to the voice of your Maker, and turn to him by Christ with- out delay. Would you know the will of God ? Why this is his will, that you presently turn. Shall the living God send so earnest a message to his creatures, and should they not obey? Hearken then, all ye that live after the flesh: the Lord that gave thee thy breath, hath sent a message to thee from heaven ; and this is his message, Turn ye, turn ye; why will ye die? He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. Shall the voice of the eternal Majesty be neglected? If he do but terribly thunder, thou art afraid. O, but this voice does more nearly concern thee. If he did but tell thee, thou shalt die to morrow, thou wouldst not make light of it. O but this word concerns thy life, or death ' everlasting. It is both a command and an exhortation. As if he had said to thee, «I charge thee upon the allegiance which thou owest to me thy Crea- tor and Redeemer, that thou renounce the flesh, the world, and the devil, and turn to me, that thou mayest live. I condescend to entreat thee, as thou either lovest or fearest him that made thee : as thou lovest thine own life, even thine everlasting life, Turn and live ; as ever thou wouldst escape eternal misery, Turn, turn ; for why wilt thou die ?" And is there a heart in man, in a reasonable creature, that can refuse such a message, such a command, such an exhortation as this? O what a thing then is the heart of man! Hearken then, all that love yourselves, and all that regard your own salvation : here is the joyfullest mes-