Heaven Collection BV4831 .B4 1765

358 DIRECTIONS AND PERSUASIONS sage that ever was sent to the ears of man, Turn ye, turn ye; why will ye ,die? You are not yet shut up under desperation. Here is mercy offered you ; turn, and you shall have it. With what joy should you receive these tidings! I know this is not the first time that you have heard them : but how have you regarded them, or how do you regard them now ? Hear, all ye ignorant, careless sinners, the word of the Lord! Hear, all ye gluttons, drunkards, whoremon- gers and swearers, milers and backbiters, slanderers and liars, Turn ye, turn ye; why will ye die? Hear, all ye cold, and outside professors, all that are strangers to the life of Christ, and never knew the power of his resurrection, never felt your hearts warmed with his love,Turn ye, why will ye die? Hear, all that are void of the love of God, whose hearts are not towards him, nor taken up with the hopes of glory, but set more on earthly prosperity and delights than on the joys of heaven ; all you that are religious but by- the -by, and give God no more than the flesh can spare; that have not denied yourselves, and forsaken all that you have for Christ ; but have some one thing in the -world so dear to you, that you cannot spare it for him, but will rather venture on his displeasure than forsake it, Turn ye, turn ye; why will ye die? If you never heard it, or observed it before, remem- ber that you were told fróm the word of God this day that if you will but turn . you may live: and if you will not turn, you shall surely die. What now will you do? What is your resolution? Will you turn or will you not? Halt no longer be- tween two opinions: If the Lord be God, follow him : if your flesh be God, then serve it still. If heaven be better than earth, come away and seek a better coun- try, and lay up your treasure where rust and moth do not corrupt, or thieves break through and steal; and, with all your might; seek the kingdom that cannot be moved : employ your lives on a higher design, and turn the stream of your cares and labours another